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Accountant, Office Boy jobs in MAK Infratech. MAK Infratech Pvt. Ltd., located in Room No. 9, J&K Bank Building, near Police Station, Awantipora, J&K, is hiring for the following positions: Accountant: Requires a graduate (preferably B.Com) with 2 years of experience in accounting and knowledge of GST. Office Boy: Open to candidates with 8th-grade education
Khajuria TMT Rebars Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2022 Khajuria TMT Rebars Jammu recruits 4 People for office work. Interested eligible candidates can apply for given below the posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the posts: Required 4 person for office work Qualification: B.Tech in