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ST. Xavier’s Convent School Kathua Jobs. | Teacher, Receptionist, Physical Education Teacher Posts. Applications are invited from ST. Xavier’s Convent School Kathua Jobs for Trained NTT/TGT/PGT for the following posts in the School. ST. Xavier’s Convent School Kathua Jobs Details 1. TGT Chemistry 2. RECEPTIONIST/COUNSELLOR 3. NTT/PRT/English 4. Physical Education Teacher with M.PEd/B.PEd (Retired Army
The Legends School of Education Jobs Recruitment 2022. Jammu and Kashmir Legends School of Education Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts Interested eligible candidates can apply below given posts. For regular Jobs, updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Legends School of Education Jobs Details: KASHMIRI TEACHER B.A/ M.A Kashmiri PHYSICAL EDU TEACHER B.P.Ed
Foundation World School Jobs Recruitment 2021. J&K Foundation World School invites applications for various Teaching, Non-teaching posts. S. No Position Eligibility Criteria 1 English Teacher PG in English/B.Ed with relevant experience of min 03years 2 Maths Teacher PG in Maths/B.Ed with relevant experience of min 03years 3 Science Teacher PG in Science/B.Ed with relevant experience
Are you looking for private jobs in a reputed school. This is right to apply, kartar Public school Barnoti Kathua s looking for trained, experienced and passionate candidates with proficiency in Co -curricular activities and fluency in English for the following posts: – S. No. Post Subject 1 TGTs Mathematics, Science (med/non med), English &