Tag: Professors

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IGNOU Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors Jobs Recruitment 2019.

IGNOU Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors Jobs Recruitment 2019. Online applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors. Post Name Assistant Professor Advertisement Advertisement No. 02/2019/ACD Qualification and General Instructions Qualification and General Instructions Post Name Associate Professor Advertisement Advertisement No. 03/2019/ACD Qualification and General Instruction Qualification and General Instructions

Yoganda College of Engineering and Technology YCET Jobs Recruitment 2019.

Yoganda College Of Engineering and Technology YCET Jobs Recruitment 2019. Applications on prescribed format available at our website www.vcet.ora are invited from the eligible candidates for the following posts: Salary No bar for deserving candidates. How to apply Interested candidates may send their applications on prescribed format on or before 16/09/2019 through mail at ycetjamwalgroup2013@gmail.com

Govt Medical College GMC Anantnag Jobs Recruitment 2019.

Govt Medical College GMC Anantnag Jobs Recruitment 2019. Invites application for Professors & Associate Professors in various disciplines through Academic Arrangement. , Anantnag invites applications for filling up the posts of Professors & Associate Professors in various disciplines through Academic Arrangement. Post Name Professors & Associate Professors. Academic Arrangement

Maulana Azad National Urdu University MANUU Recruitment 2019.

Maulana Azad National Urdu University MANUU Recruitment 2019. MANUU Invites applications for Professor cum Director, Professor, Associate Professor Jobs. Applications in the prescribed forms are invited to the following Teaching posts: (1) Professor-cum-Director: Directorate of Distance Education (Academic level -14) (2) Professor: Islamic Studies (Academic level -14) (3) Associate Professor: Centre for Urdu Culture Studies

Model Institute of Engineering and Technology MIER Jammu Jobs

Model Institute of Engineering and Technology MIET Recruitment 2018 Advertisement Latest Jobs Update from MIET Jammu . Good news for jobs aspirants interested in teaching Jobs. MIET institute invites application from the eligible candidates for the positions of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors for the ur at jkalerts dot com following programmes  for the Session 2018-19.


IMS INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES JAMMU RECRUITMENT  Applications on plain paper affixed with recent passport size photograph alongwith attested copies of testimonials are invited for Director / Professor, Professors, Assistant Professors, Security Officer   the following posts: Sponsor Link IMS Jammu Jobs Details Director / Professor Eligibility MBA / MCA / M.Com / M.A (Economics) with first class or

Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors Jobs in MODEL INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY

MODEL INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY NAAC Accredited & ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED Approved by AICTE , Govt, of J&K & Affiliated to the University of Jammu Camp Office: B.C. Road, Jammu Ph. 2546078,2565098  VACANCIES Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the positions of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors forthe following programmes: S.No. PROGRAMMES
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