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Various Jobs in National Development Foundation. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the Post: 1. Admin & Accounts Manager – Salary (CTC) 30000 2. Programme Officers – Salary (CTC) 20000 3. Graphic Designer/Communication Officer – Salary (CTC) 20000 4. Team Member/Community Facilitator – Salary
NIELIT Jammu and Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2023. | Programme Manager, Programme Officers, AO, Accountant, Data Entry Operator. NIELIT Jammu and Kashmir Jobs Applications are invited on behalf of the client department from interested and eligible candidates for selection/empanelment of manpower for the following posts, purely on contract basis, in U.T. of J&K:- For regular Jobs,
SOCIAL WELFARE DEPARTMENT J&K JOBS Applications on prescribed format are invited from the eligible candidates of J&K State, for contractual appointment of staff for State Level Adoption Resource Agency & Divisional Level Adoption Agencies Jammu/Kashmir under newly launched Integrated Child Protection Scheme as per the detail of posts given below: Detail of posts to be