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Humanity Public School Jobs Recruitment 2025. Jammu Jobs School jobs in Humanity Public School jobs Recruitment PGT, Computer lab Assistant Vacancies. Humanity Public School jobs details For Class 11th & 12th PGT Physics : Masters in Physics with B.Ed Post : 01 Computer Lab Asst : Graduate with One Year Computer Diploma Post : 01
KV Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2025. Jammu School jobs Kendriya Vidyalaya KV Jammu Jobs invites Applications for the following posts of teachers on purely contractual Part Time Basis for the Session 2025-26. KV Jammu Jobs Details Name of the Post : TGT Subject : English, Hindi, Social Studies, Science, Sanskrit & Mathematics Name of the Post
School Jobs in Jammu TSUS The Shri Ram Universal School Jobs Hiring for Session 2025-2026 TSUS Jammu Jobs Details PRT (All Subjects) Graduation B.Ed Compulsory Teaching experience should be Minimum of 2 years in CBSE school. Preferred CTET Qualified TGT (English, Social Studies Hindi, Mathematics) Postgraduate / Graduate in desired subject B.Ed Compulsory Teaching experience
Air Force School Jammu jobs. Recruitment Details for Air Force School Jammu jobs PRT and Accounts Assistant: 1. For the Post of PRT (Primary Teacher): Walk-in-Interview Date: October 14, 2024, at Air Force School, Jammu starting from 0830 hours. Contract Basis: The post is purely on a contractual basis for the academic year 2024-25. The
Jobs in SNS Vidya Mandir. Jobs in SNS Vidya Mandir Jammu TGT, PRT vacancies. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: TGT (Science): Post Graduate in Concerned subject with B.Ed. & Min. 3 Yrs Exp. in CBSE School PRT: Min 3 Yrs Exp.
PGT, TGT, PRT Jobs in Army Public Schools of India. Name of the Post : PGT, TGT & PRT Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) has announced a notification for the recruitment of PGT, TGT & PRT vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification &
Various Jobs in Akal Academies. TEACHERS URGENTLY REQUIRED FOR JOBS IN AKAL ACADEMIES Located in Punjab (All Districts), H.P, Haryana, Rajasthan & U.P. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Jobs details PGT: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, English, Maths, & Accountancy TGT: Science, Computer, Hindi, Maths, Social
Teacher jobs in Shemford Futuristic School. TGT, PRT, PET, Teacher posts. Shemford Futuristic School Jobs : Applications are invited for the following posts from candidates who are tech-savvy with good teaching experience, possess good communication skills in English and are team players apart from fulfilling the required qualification. .Interested eligible candidates can apply for given
Army Public School APS Kathua Jobs Recruitment 2022 Army Public School APS Kathua Jobs APS Janglot requires the following teaching staff and adm staff for preparation of panel against existing/anticipated/leave vacancies on adhoc basis for the academic session 2022-23. PGTs – Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Physical Education. Fin Arts (Paintings), PHE TGTs – Science, Social Science.