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Jobs in Caset Higher Secondary School. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: M.A (Political Science, Sociology, Psychology) B.PED/M.PEd How to apply: Applications on plain paper should reach CASET Head office, Shiv Bhawan Gole Market, Karan Nagar, Srinagar by or before 10-05-2023 or
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UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU SITUATION VACANT Govt Jobs Jammu : Applications are invited on the prescribed form from the eligible candidates for the temporary posts of Lecturers/ Teaching Assistants for the academic session 2018-19 to be engaged on contract basis as an academic temporary arrangement on a consolidated salary as per University norms in the following
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UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU RECRUITMENT 2017 Jammu university Academic Arrangement 2017 18 Jammu University Invites application on the prescribed form from the eligible candidates for the post of Lecturer/Teaching Assistants for the academic session 2017-18 to be engaged on contract basis as an academic temporary arrangement on a consolidated salary as per University norms Sponsor Link
Government Degree Colleges of Jammu Division Cluster University Recruitment for academic session 2017-18. Application are invited from eligible candidates for engagement as lecturer, librarian & Physical Training Instructor (PTI) and Assistant Lecturer, Assistant Librarian & Assistant Physical Training Instructors, on academic arrangement basis, in Government Degree Colleges of Jammu Division, Jkalerts.com will provide you the
Academic Arrangement Govt. Higher Secondary Schools of various districts in Kashmir Division Lecturers jobs Applications, are invited from the Permanent Resident Post-Graduate Candidates, for engagement as Contractual Lecturers purely on “Academic Arrangement” in Govt. Higher Secondary Schools of various districts in Kashmir Division -on district basis Name of Post Lecturer Vacancies Subject wise Islamic Study (11)
JODHAMAL PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHING AND NON TEACHING JOBS Jodhamal Public School seeks to appoint enthusiastic & well qualified teachers. Candidates with experience of working in reputed schools with VERY STRONG PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH & Computer Literacy will be preferred. Experience. PGT-5years, TGT/PRT/NTT – 3 years Positions PGT – Eng, Maths, Physics, Chem, Bio, History, Pol.