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Jobs in Divine Interiors & GJM Industries Srinagar. Jobs in Divine Interiors & GJM Industries Srinagar. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. How to apply: Email CV’s at. Crm.divineinteriors@gmail.com Or WhatsApp Cv’s at 8899023390 Location: Factory: Zainakot Industrial Estate, HMT Srinagar JK Retail Office: Main
Katra Mata Vaishno Devi Hotels & Restaurants Pvt Ltd. Recruitment A Company dealing with Hotels, Restaurants, Shopping Arcades and other businesses require following staff for their units Jammu / Katra/ Kakryal Jobs Details Advertisement S.No. Job discription No of posts Expectod Salary 1. Restaurant Manager 2 More than 25.000/- 2. Shopping Arcade Manager 1 More
Katra Mata Vaishno Devi Hotels & Restaurants Pvt. Ltd. Recruitment 2017 – 18 (A company dealing with Hotels,Restaurants,accommodation,food and other businesses) Sponsor Link Name of the post Restaurant Manager 1 Store Keepers 2 Accountants 2 Walk in interview Schedule Interested candidates may contact the selection committee between 11 am to 4 pm with resume and
Jobs in Hotel Ritz Manor Channi Himmat, Jammu Staff required for newly opening lounge restaurant & pub at Hotel Ritz Manor Channi Himmat, Jammu. Hotel Ritz Manor Jobs Details Name of the posts Restaurant manager, Front office executives, Senior captain, Stewards, Cashiers, Bar tender, Hostess, Accounts & Receptionist. At least 5 year experience Interview date
Ideal Foods and Essentials Srinagar Jobs Name of the post Restaurant Manager (Male/Female) Hotel Management Kitchen Team Members (Male/Female) 12th Service Team Members (Male/Female) 10th Receptionist/Front Office (Female) Graduate Delivery Boys (Male) Matric Stewarding (Male/Female) Note :: Experienced candidates in the relevant field will be preferred Date Of Interview Will Be Intimated To Aspirants Directly. For More
Annapurna Food Chain Hiring for new Restaurant in Katra JOBS DETAILS We at Annapurna Food Chain, have vacancies for the following posts at our new restaurant at Katra. Name of the posts 1. Restaurant Manager 2. Executive Chef. 3. Sr. Captain 4. Captain 5. Steward 6. Commis-1. (Indian Continental, Chinese, Pantry, Tandoor, South Indian Chef.)