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ECHS Fresh Jobs Polyclinic, Samba. Ex-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) invites applications to engage following staff on contractual basis in ECHS Polyclinic, Samba for a period of one year renewable for additional period of one year/till attaining the maximum age subject to performance of candidate/other conditions according to the criteria as mentioned against each post:-
J&K ECHS Polyclinics Jobs Recruitment 2022. J&K ECHS Polyclinics Jobs : ECHS invites applications to engage the following Medical, Para-Medical & Non-Medical Staff on a Contractual basis at ECHS Polyclinics Udhampur and Nagrota Gujroo (J&K) for the period from 01 Apr 2022 to 31 Mar 2023. Last date of receipt of application as per format