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Fairdeal Auto Motors Jobs Jammu. A number of vacancies are available at Fairdeal Auto Motors Jobs Jammu, a recently opened dealership in Jammu. They are seeking committed people that have a strong desire to leave a legacy of integrity and excellence. Jammu Jobs Vacancies: The company is seeking candidates for diverse roles including VP Sales,
Monalisa jobs recruitment 2024. Monalisa is hiring for its new store in Channi Himmat Jammu. They are looking for a variety of roles, including sales associates, customer relationship managers, fashion consultants, cashiers/computer operators, foremen/helpers, and greeters/front executives. Recruitment Details Positions: Sales Associates, Customer Relationship Manager, Fashion Consultant, Cashiers/Computer Operator, Foreman/Helper, Greeter/Front Executive, Location: Channi Himmat
AM Tata Jobs Recruitment 2023 AM Tata Jammu invites applications for various vacancies in Sales, Service, EDP, Customer care, Accounts REQUIRES CANDIDATES FOR THE BELOW-MENTIONED POSTS: SALES 1. Sales Consultant: Male/Female Graduate with 2-3 years in the Relevant Field 2. Receptionist: Female Graduate with 1-2 years in the Relevant Field 3. Driver: Male Experience of
Accountant, Sales, Driver Jobs Ply Mart Srinagar. Ply Mart is hiring candidates for the following posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Ply Mart Srinagar jobs details: Name of the Posts : Accountant: GST +Tally Knowing. Salesman for Ply Shop: 10+2 Sales Executive: Graduate Driver: License Holder.
Sales, Accountant, Receptionist, Graphic Designer jobs. Golden Globe Design Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2021. Jammu Private Jobs Details. Name of the Posts : Sales Manager Sales Executive Accountant Receptionist Graphic Designer WALK IN INTERVIEW : Timing 2 Pm to 5 Pm M/S Golden Globe Design Link Road Between Lane no 2 and 3 Phase 1 Sidco
Various vacancy announcement for sales as well as in administration AL-MAHMOOD CORPORATES LIMITED one of the trust worthy real Estate Developers requires performance oriented candidates Advertisement Get Free Jobs Notification on Mobile Phone Seeking Candidates For following positions Vice President (Minimum 10 years experience & Highly Qualified) General Manager (Minimum 7 Years experience) Qual: MBA
ARE YOU FIRED WITH ENTHUSIASM? THEN WE WANT TO HIRE YOU! We’re looking for the go-getters, the rule-breakers, the talented back-benchers! Come be a part of the crazy world of India’s No. 1 radio station – RADIO MIRCHI. POSITIONS OPEN Programming Head, Promo Producer, Copywriter, RJ, Sales, Finance, Front Office (Please carry your CV for the walk-in interview) Eligibility: