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Salesman/Office jobs in M/S Mans Trading Co. M/S Mans Trading Co. offers jobs of salesman and office boys Cleaner for Pantry/Showroom. Interested eligible candidates can apply for given below the posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the posts: Salesman Salary: Salary will be
Salesman jobs in Sajad Sales Centre Anantnag. Sajad Sales Centre Famous Footwear distributor requires a salesman for a company. Interested eligible candidates can apply for given below the posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the posts: Salesman No of Posts: 2 Experience: Candidate
Jobs in Jhelum Industries Samba. Accountant, Sales Executive , Salesman, Auditor Posts. Jhelum Industries Samba Jobs. 1. Senior Accountant-02 No. M.Com/B.Com/Exp-10 yrs 2. Sales Executive for TMT Bars)-02 No.MBA/Exp-5yrs 3. Saleman (for TMT Bars)-02 No. Post Grad. Exp.5yrs 4. Saleman (for Flour Mill)-02 No.MBA/Exp-5yrs 5. Auditor-1 No. retd. Officer. How to apply: Send your resume
Salesman, Accountant Jobs in Al-Karam Traders. Al-Karam Traders Srinagar Jobs: Interested eligible candidates can apply below given posts. For regular Jobs, updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Post name: SALESMAN (2) ACCOUNTANT (1) How to apply Drop your CV at: kasifshah@gmail.com AL-KARAM TRADERS SHOP NO. 18, H.S.H. STREET, SRINAGAR, J&K PH.: 9419001999,9596001999
JOBS IN ROYAL ENFIELD VACANCY Job vacant for following posts (1) Sales Manager – (M) (with min 4 to 5 years of experience in Automobile Industry) (2) Floor Manager – (M) (Good communication skills to convence customers) (3) Computer Operator – (F) (with good knowledge & speed in handling computer related jobs) (4) Salesman- (M)