Tag: Samagra Shiksha

Govt Jobs in Jammu and Kashmir: Latest Fresh Govt jobs openings in J&K Government sector, Jobs in various govt department, Like JKSSB, JKPSC, Bank, JKPolice Jobs Health Department, Education Department, NHM, PSO, and various other.

Special Educators Jobs in the Directorate of Samagra Shiksha.

Special Educators Jobs in the Directorate of Samagra Shiksha. Applications through online mode on prescribed format are invited from domiciles of J&K possessing the prescribed academic/professional qualifications and age for the posts of Special Educators purely on contractual basis on consolidated salary in Samagra Shiksha, J&K- PM Shri scheme as per the following positions: –

Engagement/Hiring of Helpers/AAYAs Under Samagra Shiksha.

Engagement/Hiring of Helpers/AAYAs Under Samagra Shiksha. Engagement/Hiring of Helpers/AAYAs under ECCE for the Year 2023-24 Under Samagra Shiksha. Ref: -1. PAB Minutes 2022-23 Issued vide F-NO 7-1/2022-15.4 Dated 14-06-2022 by MOE, GOI. Directorate of Samagra Shiksha vide Order No: 07 OF CHIRAG-2023 Dated:-09-01-2023, Endorsed vide No: Edu/PD/SMS/ECCE/Helpers/186- 1905/2023-24 Dated:-06-06-2023. Applications, on the format attached are

DSE Kashmir Transition of Regularized Rehbar-e-Taleem Teachers to Teacher Grade-II.

DSE Kashmir Transition of Regularized Rehbar-e-Taleem Teachers to Teacher Grade-II. Directorate of School Education, DSE Kashmir Transition of Regularized Rehbar-e-Taleem Teachers engaged under Samagra Shiksha to Teacher Grade-II. Kashmir : Transition of Regularized Rehbar-e-Taleem Teachers engaged under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (now Samagra Shiksha), to the post of Teacher Grade-II. Click here for Complete Notification.  

Administration Assistant Jobs in Jammu.

Administration Assistant Jobs in Jammu. REQUIRED Administration Assistant Brand: P MARK NAV BHARAT FLOUR MILLS, Bari Brahmana. www.pmarkproducts.com JOB ROLE: * Sending Mails. * Follow ups. * Knowledge of MS Office. * Documentation. Salary no bar for competent candidates Interested applicants, please Email resume to: hr@pmarkproducts.com Contact No.: +91968232422    

Vocational Trainers Govt. Schools of J&K under Samagra Shiksha.

Vocational Trainers Govt. Schools of J&K under Samagra Shiksha RECRUITMENT OF VOCATIONAL TRAINERS in Jammu and Kashmir( Contractual Basis) Gross Monthly Honorarium Rs. 20,000 per month (inclusive of all applicable deductions). Basix Academy for Building Lifelong Employability Ltd (B-ABLE) an NSDC empanelled Training Partner invites applications for contractual positions of Vocational Trainers (Total No. of

Recruitment of vocational trainer 50 posts in Govt School under Samagra Shiksha.

Recruitment of vocational trainer 50 posts in Govt School under Samagra Shiksha. 50 Contractual Positions in Electronics & Hardware trade Gross Monthly Salary Rs. 20,000/= per month Laqsh Job Skills Academy Pvt Ltd, an NSDC empanelled Training Partner invites applications for contractual positions of Vocational Trainers to be engaged in Government Schools of Jammu &

J&K RMSA Provisional Selection list of Programmers and Assistant Programmers

J&K RMSA Provisional Selection list of the candidates for the post of Programmers and Assistant Programmers in the Noor Society (State Implementing Society for RMSA (Now Samagra Shiksha). J&K). PROVISIONAL SELECTION NOTIFICATION In pursuance of provisional selection Notification No. Edu/SPD/SS/Sec/Adm/9418- 43/18. dated 20/12/2018. and in continuation to this office Notification No. Edu/SPD/SS/Scc/Adnt/10006-31/19 dated 10/01/2019. the
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