Tag: skuast kashmir

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SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2022

SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2022 Scientific administrative Assistant/ Senior project associate II vacancies. SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following positions under the project titled “Demonstration of site-specific Apple orcharding systems vis a vis Nursery development under Himalayan agro-ecological conditions of Kashmir’ funded by Ministry of Science & Technology,

SKUAST Kashmir jobs recruitment 2022

SKUAST Kashmir jobs recruitment 2022 JRF Posts. SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the post of Junior Research Fellow under the SEED DST-sponsored research project. The position is temporary and co-terminus with the project and the appointee shall have no claim for absorption in SKUAST-Kashmir Name of the post: Project title

SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs.

SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs. SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Details: The eligible candidates are invited for walk in interview for one (1) position of Junior Research Fellow available under DBT funded project entitled “Mapping of nut traits to accelerate breeding in walnut (Juglans regia L.)’\ The candidates with requisite qualification shall bring the brief bio data and

SKUAST Kashmir written test schedule.

SKUAST Kashmir written test schedule. SKUAST Kashmir written test: It is for the information of all the candidates who have applied for the post of Medical Officer, Draftsman & Field-cum-Laboratory Assistant (FCLA) in response to University Advertisement Notification No. 02 of 2022 dated 06.05.2022 issued vide endorsement No.AU/Adm/ (GAD) AdvNT /2022/1874-1993 dated 06.05.2022 that the

SKUAST Kashmir jobs recruitment 2022 Project Assistant.

SKUAST Kashmir jobs recruitment 2022 Project Assistant. Sher-E-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology SKUAST Kashmir are invited on plain paper from eligible candidates for the position mentioned below co-terminus with the project” Exploring the Nutraceutical Potential of Wild Edible Plants of Northern Himalayas and their Utilization for Development of Value Added Products” under JK

SKUAST Kashmir jobs 2022 Project Assistant

SKUAST Kashmir jobs 2022 Project Assistant SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Applications are invited on plain paper from eligible candidates for the position mentioned below co-terminus with the project “Exploring the Nutraceutical Potential of Wild Edible Plants of Northern Himalayas and their Utilization for Development of Value Added Products” under JK Science Technology and Innovation Council Name

SKUAST Kashmir job District resource person vacancy.

SKUAST Kashmir job District resource person vacancy. J&K SKUAST Kashmir Job Applications (indicating qualification and experience) are invited for District Resource Persons (DRPs) for the district of Bandipora, Pulwama, and Ganderbal under the PM formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) scheme. Name of the post: District resource person How to apply: The applications along

SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Young Professional-I vacancy.

SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Young Professional-I vacancy. J&K SKUAST Kashmir Aspirants for the following contractual position to be filled under the ICAR-sponsored research project entitled “Ecosystems, Agribusiness and Institutions, component: Inclusive Agricultural Development (Hill and Arid Agriculture)” may appear in Walk-in-Interview on 14-07-2022 (Thursday) at 11.00 am in the School of Agricultural Economics & Business Management,

SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2022 SRF, TA posts.

SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2022 SRF, TA posts. SKUAST Kashmir Jobs: Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the posts of one Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and one Technical Assistant (TA) under PPV&FRA sponsored research project entitled “Purification and Registration of Niche-specific Rajmash Land Races and farmers varieties from Kashmir Valley”. SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Details:
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