Govt Jobs in Jammu and Kashmir: Latest Fresh Govt jobs openings in J&K Government sector, Jobs in various govt department, Like JKSSB, JKPSC, Bank, JKPolice Jobs Health Department, Education Department, NHM, PSO, and various other.
SKUAST Kashmir Project Assistant Jobs. Applications are invited from Interested eligible candidates for engagement of Project Assistant. How to apply: The soft copy of signed application with bio-data must reach the Principal Investigator through Email as: by or before 18th December, 2023. The position is temporary and co-terminus with the project and the appointees
Estates Officer jobs in SKUAST Kashmir Check Qualification and other details. SKUAST Kashmir Estates Officer Recruitment 2023: Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology, Kashmir has invited Online applications from exceptionally bright & motivated Indian Nationals for filling up of below-mentioned position through direct recruitment. The date of commencement of online application forms is 25
SKUAST Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2023 | Salary: 45,000 Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology SKUAST Jammu Jobs invites applications from eligible candidates for the engagement of Teacher (Assistant Professor) English for teaching UG/PG Students in the Faculty of Agriculture/Faculty of Horticulture/Forestry & Faculty of Agricultural Engineering. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Or Download
SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Project Assistant Post. SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the post of Project Assistant under Jammu & Kashmir, Science Technology & Innovation Council, Department of Science & Technology, sponsored research project.Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the post of Project Assistant under Jammu & Kashmir, Science Technology
SKUAST UG Counselling Notice-III All the desirous candidates seeking admission for UG programme of SKUAST-Jammu and who have qualified the SKUAST-J CET- 2022, whose rank and merit Category wise/General Category has been displayed and available on the University website are hereby informed that the third round of counselling for UG programme is scheduled to
SKUAST Jammu UG Counselling Notice. SKUAST Jammu UG Counselling All the desirous candidates seeking admission for the UG programme of SKUAST-J and who have qualified the SKUAST- J CET- 2022, whose rank and merit Category wise/Category has been displayed and available on the University website are hereby informed that the second round of counselling
SKUAST Jammu PG Counselling. All the desirous candidates seeking admission for PG programme of SKUAST-J and who have qualified the SKUAST J CET-2022, whose rank and merit Category wise/General Category has been displayed and available on the University website are hereby informed that the second round of counselling to PG programme is scheduled to be
SKUAST Jammu Written Test Schedule for Veterinarians and Para vets posts. SKUAST Jammu written test Schedule In continuation to Notification No. 36 (Est.) of 2022 dated: 03.10.2022, it is to inform you that OMR based written examination (Multiple Choice Questions) shall be conducted on 28.10.2022 at SKUAST Jammu (Chatha Campus) at 12:00 PM. Selection Criteria:
SKUAST Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2022 Veterinarians and Paravets 50 Posts. SKUAST Jammu Jobs Online applications are invited on the University website from eligible candidates for the hiring of Veterinarians and Paravets under the Establishment and Strengthening of Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries-Mobile Veterinary Unit Scheme on a temporary basis in various districts of Jammu Division,
SKUAST Interview notice for various posts. Manager, Consultant, MTS, Project Assistant posts SKUAST Interview notice All applicants who have applied for various contractual positions under RCFC NR-II of SKUAST Kashmir advertised vide No. Au/FOA/RCFC/2022/Camp-304 Dated: 17/08/2022, and whose names are listed in the annexure-I are requested to appear physically for the interviews on 11th October