January 24, 2024
SMVDU withdraw the Clause in faculty recruitment notification.

SMVDU withdraw the Clause in faculty recruitment notification. Owing to overwhelming responses received against Faculty recruitment notification no: SMVDU/Adm/Estt.- FA/Rect.Adv/1 of 2023/1252, dated: 14/09/2023, uploaded on the University Website, and subsequent ‘Extension Notices’ issued vide no: SMVDU/Adm/Estt.-FA/Rect.Adv/1 of 2023/1507, dated: 03/10/2023 & SMVDU/Adm/Estt.-FA/Rect.Adv/1 of 2023/1721 dated: 27/10/2023 inviting applications for various faculty positions, all the