Tag: Snowcap jobs

Govt Jobs in Jammu and Kashmir: Latest Fresh Govt jobs openings in J&K Government sector, Jobs in various govt department, Like JKSSB, JKPSC, Bank, JKPolice Jobs Health Department, Education Department, NHM, PSO, and various other.

JKMPCL Jobs recruitment 2022.

JKMPCL Jobs recruitment 2022. Assistant Admin Jobs in Snowcap. Jammu and Kashmir Milk Producers Co-operative Limited JKMPCL jobs: Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts in J&K Milk Producers Co-operative Limited (Snowcap). Jammu & Kashmir Milk Producers Cooperative Ltd. (JKMPCL) is the apex dairy cooperative organization marketing Milk & Milk products under

JKMPCL Jobs Recruitment 2022.

JKMPCL Jobs Recruitment 2022. | Sales & Marketing Assistant Posts | Last date 25-01-2022. Snowcap Jobs Details. Jammu & Kashmir Milk Producers Cooperative Ltd. (JKMPCL Jobs) J&K MPCL is the apex dairy cooperative organization marketing Milk & Milk products under the brand name of  Snowcap with an annual turnover of more than Rs.200 crores. We

JKMPCL Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2022.

JKMPCL Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2022. JKMPCL Jobs: J&K Milk Producers Co-operative Ltd Snowcap is an apex dairy cooperative organization of J&K Union Territory with a network of more than 30000 Milk Producers across the UT, associated with us through more than 700 village dairy co operative societies. The prime motive of our concern is to
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