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Software Support Executive, Software Tester Jobs. Advanced and Best Technologies Pvt Ltd. A leading Technology company is looking for the following Immediate position Software Support Executive: 3+ yrs of experience. Call center experience will be an advantage. Software Tester: 3+ yrs of experience. Automated testing experience will be an advantage. More info: https://career.peoplecentral.co Email: jkresume@peoplecentral.co
BECIL Jobs Recruitment 2020. INDIA BROADCAST ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INDIA LIMITED JOBS UPDATE. Applications are invited for recruitment/empanelment of following manpower purely on contract basis for deployment in Office of All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. Name of the Posts: Sr Software Developer, Software Tester, Designer, Startup Fellow Qualification: Degree (Engg), B.Tech, M.Tech,