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JK Smart School Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2020. Posts Details Below: Name of the Posts: Web Developer (Female Only)= 2nos Expertise: In PHP and Java (optional) Freshers with good development skills can apply Drop resume on 29 & 30 Oct at office or mail at career@jksmartschools.com Web: www.jksmartschools.com Ph: 0194 2952590 Mob: 9906680864 JK SMART SCHOOLS
Iqbal Islamia Mission High School Jobs Recruitment 2020. Various Teaching Non Teaching Jobs in Srinagar. Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following Teaching/Non-Teaching Posts NAME OF THE POST QUALIFICATION Accountant B.COM/M.com with Tally ERP Kashmiri Teacher B.A/MA With Kashmiri Urdu Teacher B.A/MA Physics & Chemistry Teacher for 9th/10th Classes B.sc/M.Sc Biology Teacher
SKIMS Srinagar Staff Nurse Jobs Recruitment 2020. Online applications on prescribed format for the post of Staff Nurse-II are invited from the eligible candidates, of UT of J & K for engagement on Academic Arrangement basis at Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences for a period of six months or till such time the post is
Indian Institute of Carpet Technology IICT Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2020. Jammu and Kashmir Indian Institute of Carpet Technology IICT Srinagar jobs update. The Institute is in the process of digitization of taleem of old/traditional carpet designs, which are available in the form of manually written taleem papers, for their preservation in the soft form so
Minto Circle Senior Secondary School Recruitment 2020. Applications are invited for the following posts:- S.No Post Salary Per month 01 Mathematics Trained Post Graduate Teacher Rs 20,000 02 Physics Trained Post Graduate Teacher Rs 20,000 03 Commerce Trained Post Graduate Teacher Rs 20,000 04 For General Administration, a retired Gazatted officer from Education Department. Pay
ICAR-CITH, Srinagar Recruitment 2020. ICAR-CITH Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2020 for Young Professional-II Posts The eligible candidates are invited for Walk-In-Interview on 22nd June, 2020 at 11.00 AM at ICAR-CITH, Srinagar for the temporary position of Young Professional-II (Y/P) purely on contractual basis initially for a period of one year which can be extended further on
National Institute of Technology Srinagar NIT Srinagar Jobs. The Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Temporary Faculty in the following Departments is scheduled to be held on 05-08-2019 in the Committee Room of the Institute for Autumn Session 2019. The Venue, Date & Time is shown against each Department. Essential Qualification: For Engineering Department:- At least Masters
Delhi Public School DPS Srinagar Jobs. Delhi Public School, Srinagar, a premier co-educational institution invites applications from well qualified and experienced personnel for the following post: Posts Details Below: Phy. Education Teachers:(Female) Qualification:B.Ped / M.Ped. Experience: National Level player Candidates meeting the criteria may upload their biodata on http://dpssrinagar.com.careers Only short listed candidates will be
Computer Operator, Tele caller Jobs in Srinagar. Private jobs Update. Jays Enterprise required. • COMPUTER OPERATOR Candidate Should be Busy/Tally knowing. • TELE CALLER: Female Candidate with good communication skills. Preference will be given to nearby areas Salary Negotiable Timing: 10:00am to 6:00pm DROP YOUR RESUME AT: Jays Enterprise M.A Link Road, Munawarabad Srinagar Ph:
Alfa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. Jobs Recruitment 2019. Alfa Automobile recruit a dedicated workforce who has knowledge & expertise with a firm educational foundation for the following the position. 1. Workshop Manager DESIRED -Diploma/BE Automobile with 2-5 years of experience nr Fresher with Merit. 2. Network Manager DESIRED – Graduate/Masters in Marketing 5 HR (Experienced/Meritorious Fresher).