Tag: State Administrative Council

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Panchayat Account Assistant Posts Syllabus out now

Panchayat Account Assistant 2000 Posts Syllabus OUT Topic Wise Syllabus for JKSSB Panchayat Accounts Assistant Exam 2019. Marks: 120 Time: 02:00 Hours Syllabus for Written test (Objective Type) for the post of Panchayat Accounts Assistant S.No. Topic Marks 01. General Knowledge with special reference to J&K 30 Marks 02. Mathematics/Statistics . 10 Marks 03. General

Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Jobs Recruitment 2000 Panchayat Account Assistants.

Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Jobs Recruitment 2000 Panchayat Account Assistants Posts. JKDAT Recruitment 2019. Post Name  Panchayat Accounts Assistant. Total Posts 2000 “The minimum qualification of candidates for selection to the post of Accounts Assistants shall be Graduation or above from any recognised University with a minimum of 50% marks for Open Merit and
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