Tag: Steno Typist

JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs Recruitment, For all latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs notification alerts and Updates. Privates Jobs, Part time jobs, Jobs of Graduates, Jobs for Engineers.

Jammu University Jobs recruitment 2024 42 posts.

Jammu University Jobs recruitment 2024 42 posts. Jammu University Jobs Online applications are invited from the Domiciles of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir for the following positions in the University of Jammu: Name of the post: Junior Engineer , Civil Semi-Professional Assistant Lab. Assistant (Geography) Data Entry Operator Steno-Typist Junior Assistant Section Cutter (Geography)

JKSSB Final Selection List of Junior Steno Junior Scale Steno, Steno Typist

JKSSB Final Selection List of Junior Steno Junior Scale Steno, Steno Typist Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB Final Selection List of the candidates for the posts of Junior Stenographer, Junior Scale Stenographer & Steno Typist for UT Cadre, Divisional Cadres and various District Cadres, advertised vide Notification Nos. 04, 05, 06 and 07

JKSSB Provisional Selection List Junior Stenographer, Junior Scale Stenographer, Steno Typist

JKSSB Provisional Selection List Junior Stenographer, Junior Scale Stenographer, Steno Typist. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB  Provisional Selection List of the candidates for the posts of Junior Stenographer, Junior Scale Stenographer & Steno Typist, for UT Cadre, Divisional Cadres and various District Cadres, advertised vide Notification Nos 04, 05, 06 and 07 of

JKSSB Rechecking of shorthand dictation and transcript sheets.

JKSSB Rechecking of shorthand dictation and transcript sheets Jr. Scale Stenographer, Jr Stenographer, Personal Assistant and Steno Typist advertised vide Notification No. 04, 05, 06 & 07 of 2020 and 01, 02 & 03 of 2021-result thereof. JKSSB Rechecking Whereas the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board conducted the shorthand test (Dictation/Transcription) for the posts

JKSSB Postponed Type test for various posts.

JKSSB Postponed Type test for various posts. JKSSB Notification, JKSSB latest update, SSB JK update, SSBJK Notification. Post Name Steno-cum-computer operator,Storekeeper-cum-clerk-cum, computer operator, Junior Assistantcum-computer operator, Cashier-cum-clerk,Computer Operator, Steno-typist, Computer Assistant. Type Test postponed till further It is notified for the information of all the concerned candidates that the Type Test on Computer Key Board

JKSSB Shorthand Test for the post of Steno Typist, Divisional Cadre Kashmir

Advertisement  For all the J&K latest Jobs, News, download JKalerts App JKSSB Conducting of Shorthand Test for the post of Steno Typist, Divisional Cadre Kashmir, advertised Notification No.01 of 2017, Item No.014. In continuation to this office Notice issued under endorsement No. SSB/Secy/Sel/2018/7341-45, dated:25-06-2018, it is hereby informed that the Shorthand Test of the candidate

SMVDSB Selection list for Jr. Assistant, Steno Typist, Acharya (PGT) Jyotish (Phalit)

advertisement SMVDSB Katra latest Notification of  Selection list for the post of  Jr. Assistant, Steno Typist, Acharya (PGT) Jyotish (Phalit) List of Candidates selected for the post of Acharya (PGT) Jyotish (Phalit) in response to advertisement No. 21/2018 & 22/2018 dated 17.05.2018 and 24/2018 dated  24.05.2018. Click here for view list of candidates selected. List of

JKSSB Recruitment 2017 State/Divisional/District Cadre Posts, Posts 135

JKSSB Recruitment 2017 State / Divisional / District Cadre Posts, Posts 135 Important Corrigendum to Advertisement Notice No. 01 of 2017, Dated: 20-07-2017 Kindly read 1. Graduation from any recognized University having minimum speed of 65 and 35 words per minute in shorthand and type writing respectively.” Instead of 1. Graduation from any recognized University

FCI Steno typist / Computer operator and Junior Assistant / L.D.C Interview Schedule

Food Craft Institute Steno typist/Computer operator and Junior Assistant/L.D.C Interview Schedule The list of short listed candidates for the post of Steno typist/Computer operator and Junior Assistant/L.D.C has been uploaded on our website (www.fcijammu.org) and link is given below . The shortlisted candidates are advised to appear for Personal interviews / viva voce on 27 th May
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