Tag: Tally Operator jobs in Srinagar

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Tally operator, Accountant Jobs in Srinagar.

Tally operator, Accountant Jobs in Srinagar. MM Channel Partner Kashmir Jobs: A well-known distribution enterprise is looking for dynamic and committed individuals for appointment on the following posts. Name of the Posts : Tally Operator Qualification: 10+2 or above and certified course in Tatty (Minimum two years experience of TALLY ERP 9) Accountant : Qualification:

Tally operator, Fitter, Office Boy Srinagar Jobs.

Tally Operator, Fitter, Office Boy Srinagar Jobs in . SIAB SURGIMENTS REQUIRED STAFF FOR OFFICE:- TALLY OPERATOR 01 FITTER 01 OFFICE BOY 02 Address:- SIAB SURGIMENTS BTC Chotta Bazar Karan Nagar Near Petrol Pump Contact: 7006032216, 7006898395 Email: siab@rediffmail.com J&K  Updates: https://goo.gl/MrMdWO Join us on Telegram: tx.me/jkalerts Follow Us on Instagram: instagram.com/jkalerts Download Current Affairs
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