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Telecallers Jobs in Jammu. WE ARE HIRING Telecallers Nightshift Qualification – No bar salary – Negotiable Fluency in English is a must* LAST DATE TO APPLY: 20/05/2022 Reach us at 9419300107 tekgatewaysolutionsllp@gmail.com Address: Hall no.4 Stpi Complex EPIP KARTHOLI BARI BRAHMAN A JAMMU 181133
Pace Hyundai walk in interview various posts. Walk-in Interview on 25th & 26th June at Pace Hyundai Jammu ♦ EDP MANAGER With relevant educational qualifications and experience. ♦ LOBBY HOSTESS Min, 02-03 Years Exp, in related field, ♦ INSURANCE MANAGER Min. 02-05 Years Exp. in related field. ♦ CUSTOMER CARE MANAGER (Female) Min. 1-2 Years