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Birla Open Minds International School Jammu Jobs. Birla Open Minds International School in Jammu invites applications for Post Graduate Teacher (Physics), Trained Graduate Teacher (English), and Music Teacher for the academic session 2025-26. The positions require experienced and qualified professionals to join their reputed institution. Candidates must submit their resumes and recent photographs before the
Jobs in Army Public School Jammu. Requires staff through LSB (local selection board) on Adhoc/contractual basis for the session 2024-25. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: Teaching staff TGT (English) Graduate (with the subject in which employment is sought), B.Ed (English) with
Springdales School Jammu Teacher Jobs. Required teachers. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: KG-Teacher Minimum Qualification: Graduate, Preferably B.Ed TGT-English Minimum Qualification: Graduate with Subject and B.Ed. Sports -Teacher Minimum Qualification: BP.Ed How to apply: Applications with resume, to be submitted in
Rich Harvest School Jobs Teacher, Librarian, Nursing assistant, Computer operator Vacancies. Rich Harvest School Jobs For regular Jobs and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. How to apply: Full bio-data along with a passport-size photograph should be e-mailed at richharvest2222@gmail.com latest by 20th December 2022. Shortlisted candidates will be called for
Army Public School Miran Sahib Jobs. Headmaster, TGT, Accountant Vacancy. Army Public School Miran Sahib Jobs APS required Headmaster/TGT/Accountant. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Army Public School Miran Sahib Jobs Details: POST Type ADM STAFF REGULAR/TEACHING-ADHOC/DRAWING OF PANEL/ACCOUNTANT HEADMASTER/ HEAD MISTRESS Adm Staff-Regular (a)
Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2 Jammu Cantt Job Recruitment 2020. Application are invited for the following Teaching posts on purely contractual Part time Basis for the session 2020-21. Note: Application form may please be downloaded from our web site i.e https://no2jammucantt.kvs.ac.in. For all related information/ Instructions/eligibility criteria for the post, please visit https://no2jammucantt.kvs.ac.in home page announcements
Banyan International School BIS Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2019. Requires qualified staff for the following post: 1 PRT: English & SST Qualified candidate with good spoken and written English with graduate in the subject with B.Ed. 2 Student Counselor: MA in Psychology Note: 1. The candidate for the above post must be fluent in English. 2. Experienced
Rich Harvest School Jobs Recruitment. In the latest employment notification for various Teaching and Non-Teaching Jobs. All the Interested candidates may send their CV on richharvest222@gmail.com latest by 15 Sep 18. Jkalerts will provide you the complete detail about this J&K Private job notification like Eligibility criteria, How to apply Online, Important dates, Age limit with
ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL APS AKHNOOR. NAGROTA & RAKHMUTHI RECRUITMENT 2018-19 JOBS IN APS AKHNOOR. NAGROTA & RAKHMUTHI : APS Required Teachers for Session 2018-19. JKalerts.com is one of the best Online Portal for Jobs updates in J&K, you can download our android app to get all latest updates on your mobile Download Now . Jkalerts.com will provide