Tag: Tutors Jobs

JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs Recruitment, For all latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs notification alerts and Updates. Privates Jobs, Part time jobs, Jobs of Graduates, Jobs for Engineers.

Jobs in Kidney college of nursing

Jobs in Kidney college of nursing Applications are invited for the below mentioned posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: Lecturers Qualification: M.Sc nursing in community health nursing Tutors Qualification: B.Sc nursing with 1 year teaching experience. How to apply: Email your

The White Medical College and Hospital Jobs.

The White Medical College and Hospital Jobs. The White Medical College and Hospital Jobs applications Invited for SR, JR, Nursing Staff, Cath Lab Technician, Ward Helper positions 1. SR (MD/MS in Concerned Subject) 10 Posts Experience Preferably 1 To 2 Years (freshers can also Apply) 2. JR/TUTORS (MBBS) 10 Posts Eipererce Preferably 1 To 2

Syed Ali Memorial College of Nursing and Para-Medical Sciences Jobs.

Syed Ali Memorial College of Nursing and Para-Medical Sciences Jobs. Syed Ali Memorial College offers jobs of  Principal, Tutor, Laboratory Assistant, and Computer Operator. Interested eligible candidates can apply for given below the posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the Posts: Name of

Tutors, Librarian Jobs in Bibi Halima College of Nursing and Medical Technology

Tutors, Librarian Jobs in Bibi Halima College of Nursing and Medical Technology J&K Muslim Specified Wakaf and Specified Wakaf Properties Engagement of Tutors and Professional Librarian in Bibi Halima College of Nursing and Medical Technology, Kathi Darwaza Srinagar purely on Academic Arrangement basis for the session 2022-2023. Applications are invited on prescribed proforma from the

Bibi Halima College of Nursing Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2022.

Bibi Halima College of Nursing Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2022. Engagements of Tutors and Professional Librarian in Bibi Halima college of Nursing and Medical Technology, Srinagar jobs purely on Academic Arrangement basis for the session 2022-23. Applications are invited on prescribed proforma from the eligible candidates for Tutors and Professional Librarian in Bibi Halima college of

GMC Doda Jobs Recruitment 2021 Senior Resident posts.

GMC Doda Jobs Recruitment 2021 Senior Resident posts. Govt. Medical College Doda engagement of candidates for the posts of Senior Resident in different discipline. Applications are invited from PSC/Non-PSC doctors, for the posts of Tutors/Registrars / Demonstrators in the following disciplines for a period of one year extendable upto three years in terms of SRO-24

Indian Institute of Technical Trainings IITTJammu Recruitment 2020.

Indian Institute of Technical Trainings IITTJammu Recruitment 2020. Required Faculty Positions Applications with Bio data are invited from eligible candidates for the following positions:- How to apply Candidates should apply with detailed Bio data / coloured photograph and testimonials / experience to M.D.IIT-T or send through email: mdirector.iittjammu@gmail.com Contact: 01923 -222799, 99060 – 33373, 94191
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