JKSSB Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board. For all latest JKSSB latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB Free Jobs and notification alerts and Updates.
JKSSB Release of recommendation of candidates for the post of Urdu Teacher. Post Name Urdu Teacher, District Cadre Pulwama, JKSSB Release of recommendation of candidates Item no 036 (06 of 2017).
JKSSB Release of recommendation for the post of Library Assistant. JKSSB, SSBJK Notification. Post name Library Assistant. District Cadre Doda. Item No 049 (01 of 2016) Release of recommendation for the post of Library Assistant, District Cadre Doda, Item No 049 (01 of 2016)
UPSC Recruitment 2020 various posts. Online Recruitment Applications (ORA) are invited for direct recruitment by selection through website http://www.upsconline. nic.in to the following posts by 27th February, 2020. (Vacancy No. 20020301208) Two vacancies for the post of Scientist ‘B’ (Geo-Physics), Central Water & Power Research Station, Khadakwasla, Pune, Department of Water Resources, River Development and
JKSSB various recommendation released. Recommendation released in favour of overlap/dual degrees of Science/Maths Teacher, various district in pursuance to the Advt No 06 of 2017 Recommendations of committee constituted for examination of overlapping degrees acquired concurrently for the post of Teacher- revised position after deduction of points Recommendations of committee constituted for examination of overlapping
WALK-IN – INTERVIEWS for Online Testing Co. 1 Centre Manager ( female) Mba ( marketing with Institutional Exp. Salary-15K per Month +incentives profile-Responsible for Business Growth, Train Employees, Visit Clients, Generate Leads. 2 Telecaller (f) 10+2 /good in English salary-12+incentives profile -Handle Customer’s Inbound and Outbound Calls. Solving Queries, Telling Them About Products / Offers
JKSSB Withdraws various posts of J&K Home Department advertised Complete Notification. JKSSB Withdrawing of posts of Home Department advertised vide advertisement Notification No 06/2019 to 06/2019/007 and 01 of 2013
JKSSB Cancellation of candidature of candidates Band Saw Mistry & Jr Assistant. Post name Saw Mistry, Jr Assistant. District Cadre Kathua, Item No 34 (03 of 2016), 058 (02 of 2017) and 078 (01 of 2016). JKSSB Notification, SSBJK Updates. JKSSB Cancellation of candidature of candidates for the post of Band Saw Mistry & Jr
JKSSB Cancellation of candidature of candidates for the post of Teacher, Driver. JKSSB Cancellation of candidature of candidates for the post of Teacher, District Cadre Kathua, Item no 697 (07 of 2010) Driver, District Cadre Ramban, Item no 892 (01 of 2010)
JKSSB Release of recommendation of candidates for the post of Urdu Teacher. Post Name Teacher. District Cadre Baramulla, Kulgam. Release of recommendation of candidates for the post of Urdu Teacher, District Cadre Baramulla and Budgam, Item No 031 and 032 (06 of 2017) . Release of recommendation of candidate for the post of Urdu Teacher, District
JKSSB Release of recommendation for various categories of posts. JKSSB SSB J&k Notification update. JKSSB Release of recommendation for various categories of posts on 20-01-2020