Tag: Zee school Jammu jobs

JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs Recruitment, For all latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs notification alerts and Updates. Privates Jobs, Part time jobs, Jobs of Graduates, Jobs for Engineers.

Mount Litera Zee School Jammu Jobs.

Mount Litera Zee School Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2022 various teaching non-teaching posts. J&K Mount Litera Zee School Jammu Jobs Interested eligible candidates can apply below-given posts. Invites Applications for Session 2022-23 for the following vacancies. Post Name  Qualification / Experience Teachers (ALL SUBJECTS) PRT/TGT/PGT with B.Ed having minimum 4 years of teaching experience. Phy. Edu.

Mount Litera Zee School MLZS Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2020.

Mount Litera Zee School MLZS Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2020. ZEE School Jammu invites applications for various vacant positions for Session 2020-21 are as following. Private Jammu Jobs. Teachers (PRTs, TGTs, PGTs) Graduate/Post Graduate with B.Ed. having minimum 2 years of Teaching Experience (all Subjects). Art & Craft Teacher Graduate/Post Graduate in visual and fine Arts.

Mount Litera Zee School Jammu mlzsjammu Jobs Recruitment

Mount Litera Zee School Jammu mlzsjammu Jobs Recruitment. Zee school Jammu Invites application for the Acadmic coordinator, TGT, Music, Dance teacher, Peon. All the Interested candidates can apply along with 02 passport size photographs with all testimonials at ZEE school office at Tarore or at mlzs.jammu@gmail.com before 04.09.2018. Jkalerts will provide you the complete detail about this J&K
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