JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs Recruitment, For all latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs notification alerts and Updates. Privates Jobs, Part time jobs, Jobs of Graduates, Jobs for Engineers.
Govt Polytechnic Guest Lecturer Jobs. College Jobs Govt Polytechnic Guest Lecturer jobs Applications on plain paper are invited from the eligible candidates who are domicile of UT of J&K and interested for the engagement as Guest lecturer for the upcoming academic session purely on temporary basis for maximum of one academic session. The hard copy
Search and cordon operation in Sunderbani sector Search and cordon operation continues in Sunderbani sector of Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri district after an army vehicle came under fire from suspected terrorists in a forward village near the Line of Control earlier today.
Pathseekers International School Teaching Jobs. Pathseekers International School Teaching Jobs seeking faculty for various teaching positions. Faculty Required: TGT (Hindi, English & SST) – BA/B.Sc with B.Ed. PRT – BA/B.Sc with B.Ed. Kindergarten Teacher – Relevant Degree Urdu/Punjabi Teacher – B.A/M.A in the relevant subject Sports Teacher (PTI) – B.P.Ed/M.P.Ed Additional Information: Freshers with good
JKSSB Issuance of Admit Cards for various posts JKSSB Notice regarding Issuance of Admit Cards to the candidates for Written Examination for various posts scheduled to be held from 02.03.2025 to 09.03.2025. Download JKSSB Issuance of Admit Cards for various posts >> JOIN JKALERTS WHATSAPP << IBN Sina College of Nursing and Health Science
JKSSB Rescheduled Exam for the various posts. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB Rescheduled Exam for the various posts. JKSSB Selection List for the post of Supervisor. JKSSB final notice to submit pending documents JKSSB Provisional Answer key of Scientist ‘A’ post. Govt grants 4-day Special Casual Leave.
International Delhi Public School Jammu Jobs. INTERNATIONAL DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL JAMMU WE’RE HIRING!!RIGHT NOW JOIN OUR TEAM ✔ ACADEMIC DIRECTOR✔ HEADMISTRESS – PRE PRIMARY – 01✔ CCA MANAGER – 01✔ GRAPHIC DESIGNER – 03✔ PUBLIC RELATIONSHIP MANAGER – 03 Candidates applying for the positions of Academic Director, Headmistress, and CCA Manager should have a minimum
JKSSB Selection List for the post of Supervisor. JKSSB Final Selection List for the post of Supervisor, under Item No. 08 (District Cadre, Kupwara),Item No. 09 (District Cadre, Jammu), Item No. 10 (District Cadre, Kathua), Item No. 11 (District Cadre, Baramulla), Item No. 12 (District Cadre, Rajouri), Item No. 13(District Cadre, Samba), Item No. 14
JKSSB final notice to submit pending documents for panchayat Secretary post. JKSSB Final Notice for the Final Selection list of candidates for the post of Panchayat Secretary, Department of Rural Development Department. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB Final Selection list of candidates for the post of Panchayat Secretary, Department of Rural Development Department.
JKSSB Provisional Answer Key of Scientist ‘A’ post. JKSSB Provisional Answer key regarding Written Examination for the post of Scientist ‘A’, Forest, Ecology and Environment Department held on 24.02.2025. Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB released the Answer Key of for the post of Scientist ‘A’ Link given below. Download JKSSB Provisional Answer key.