Category: JKBOSE

Latest datesheet notification of schools, colleges, university in Jammu and kashmir

JKBOSE Notification for candidates alleged Unfair means in exams.

JKBOSE Notification for candidates alleged Unfair means in exams. Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education JKBOSE is hereby notified for information of all the concerned that the below mentioned candidates of Higher Secondary Part-II (12th Class) Examination, Annual, Session,2021 Regular (winter zone) and Secondary School (Class 10th) Examination Annual, Session 2021 Regular (winter zone)


JKBOSE NMMSS Exam 2022. National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Scheme 2022  JKBOSE National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMSS)- Inviting applications from Class-VIII (8th) Students It is notified for information of aspiring candidates that Ministry of Education (MoE), New Delhi through the Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education is going to conduct National Means

JKBOSE Re-evaluation / Xerox Notification for Class 12th.

JKBOSE Re-evaluation / Xerox Notification for Class 12th. It is notified for information of all the eligible candidates of Higher Secondary Examination Part-II (Class 12th), Biannual Pvt 2021, Leh, Higher Secondary Examination part-II (Class 12th), Biannual Pvt 2021, Summer Zone and Secondary School Examination (Class 10th) Bi-Annual Private, 2021-Summer Zone, desirous of obtaining the Xerox
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