
JKMPCL Jobs Recruitment 2019 complete details.

Jammu & Kashmir Milk Producers Co-operative Limited JKMPCL Jobs Recruitment 2019 complete details.

JKMPCL Snowcap Job Details.

JKMPCL is an apex dairy cooperative organization of J&K state with a network of more than 20000 milk producers across the state associated with us through 400 village dairy cooperative societies. The prime motive of our concern is to provide a remunerative price of milk to our producer members (value for many) and quality products to our customers (value for money). Applications are invited from eligible candidates, for following posts in J&K Milk Producers Co-operative Limited (Snowcap): –

1 Plant Incharge/Production Incharge Dairy Technologist/Food Technologist 2 Sr. Accountant/Accountant Chartered Accountant (fresher)/ CA inter with 1 years of relevant work experience/ M. Com with 3 years of relevant work experience 3 Lab Analyst B. Sc./M. Sc. In Biochemistry/Microbiology/Chemistry 4 Asst. Accounts / Storekeeper /Despatcher B. Com with 1 years of relevant work experience. Diploma in Computer applications with proficiency in Tally Software (mandatory). 5 Operator Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics 6 Field Supervisor Graduate in any stream.

The appointment shall be subject to the following terms & conditions: –

There should not be any case of criminal nature pending against the candidate in any police station/crime branch/vigilance organization or in the court of law.

The candidate should enclose self-attested xerox copies of all the relevant testimonials/ documents with their resume to be forwarded through email only.


How to apply

Applicants may forward their resume complete in all respects either through email ( in person at Milk Plant Cheshmashahi Srinagar & Milk Plant Satwari Jammu by or before 09.08.2019 by 5.00 pm. Any resume received after stipulated date & time shall not be entertained.

Jammu & Kashmir Milk Producers Co-operative Limited JKMPCL
Milk Plant Cheshmashahi Srinagar (H.O.), Milk Plant Satwari
Jammu (B.O.) Telefax: – 0194-2501786, 0191-2450716;


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