
JKMPCL Snowcap Jobs Recruitment 2018

Jammu & Kashmir Milk Producers Co-operative Limited JKMPCL Jobs Recruitment 2019 complete details.

JKMPCL Snowcap Job Details.

JKMPCL is an apex dairy cooperative organization of J&K state with a network of more than 20000 milk producers across the state associated with us through 400 village dairy cooperative societies. The prime motive of our concern is to provide a remunerative price of milk to our producer members (value for many) and quality products to our customers (value for money). Applications are invited from eligible candidates, for following posts in J&K Milk Producers Co-operative Limited (Snowcap): –

1 Plant Incharge/Production Incharge Dairy Technologist/Food Technologist 2 Sr. Accountant/Accountant Chartered Accountant (fresher)/ CA inter with 1 years of relevant work experience/ M. Com with 3 years of relevant work experience 3 Lab Analyst B. Sc./M. Sc. In Biochemistry/Microbiology/Chemistry 4 Asst. Accounts / Storekeeper /Despatcher B. Com with 1 years of relevant work experience. Diploma in Computer applications with proficiency in Tally Software (mandatory). 5 Operator Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics 6 Field Supervisor Graduate in any stream.

The appointment shall be subject to the following terms & conditions: –

There should not be any case of criminal nature pending against the candidate in any police station/crime branch/vigilance organization or in the court of law.

The candidate should enclose self-attested xerox copies of all the relevant testimonials/ documents with their resume to be forwarded through email only.


How to apply

Applicants may forward their resume complete in all respects either through email ( in person at Milk Plant Cheshmashahi Srinagar & Milk Plant Satwari Jammu by or before 09.08.2019 by 5.00 pm. Any resume received after stipulated date & time shall not be entertained.

Jammu & Kashmir Milk Producers Co-operative Limited JKMPCL
Milk Plant Cheshmashahi Srinagar (H.O.), Milk Plant Satwari
Jammu (B.O.) Telefax: – 0194-2501786, 0191-2450716;

Jammu & Kashmir Milk Producers Co-operative Limited JKMPCL Snowcap Recruitment 2018. Invites application for various posts of Manager, Jr. Executive (Accounts).

All the Interested candidates  may forward their resume complete in all the respects to Mr. Farooq Ahmad Najar (HR & Admin Head) through email by or before 15/09/2018. Jkalerts will provide you the complete detail about this J&K Govt job notification like Eligibility criteria, How to apply Online, Important dates, Age limit with relaxation, post by category, Selection process & official notification. So interested candidates are requested to read it carefully to apply for Govt Jobs in Snowcap JKMPCL.Advertisement

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Jammu & Kashmir Milk Producers Co-operative Limited Jobs Details

Name of post  1. Manager (Accounts)

No.of posts 01

Annual CTC in INR 4.80 Lakh

Eligibility Chartered Accountant (fresher) /CA inter with 4 years of relevant work experience/M. Com with 10 years of relevant work experience.

Name of post  2. Jr. Executive (Accounts)

No.of posts 01

Annual CTC  2.20 lakh

Eligibility  CA inter with 2 years of relevant work experience /M. Com with 5 years of relevant work experience Diploma in Computer applications with proficiency in Tally Software (mandatory).

How to apply

Applicants may forward their resume complete in all the respects to Mr. Farooq Ahmad Najar (HR & Admin Head) through email by or before 15/09/2018 by 5:00 pm Any resume received after stipulated dates jkalerts and time shall not be entertained.

The candidates hailing from Jammu and Kashmir Divisions may only apply.

Read More 

The appointment shall be subject to the following terms & conditions: –

initially, the appointment shall be probationary for a period of 6-months. Subsequent to the completion of probation, appointees may be considered for ur at jkalerts further contractual assignment subject to their performance. “Contract shall be terminable at one month’s notice from either side.

There should not be any case of criminal nature pending against the candidate in any police station/crime branch/vigilanee organization or in the court of law.

The candidate should enclose self-attested xerox copies of all the relevant testimonial/documents with their resume to be forwarded through

Jammu & Kashmir Milk Producers Co-operative Limited

Milk Plant Cheshmashahi Srinagar (H.O.),
Milk Plant Satwari Jammu (B.O.)
Telefax: – 0194-2501786,0191-2450716

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