August 27, 2015
Patwari Jobs in Revenue Department
Advertisenent Notice No : 02 OF 2015 Dated: 25-08-2015
Subject: Posts Advertised for District Cadre.
- Opening Date of Receipt of Application Forms : 26 -08-2015
- Closing Date of Receipt of Application Forms : 10 -09-2015INVITATION OF APPLICATION(S) AND BASIC ELEGIBILITY Permanent residents of J & K State from Leh District.Application for District Cadre posts iistel in this notification is invited from eligible candidates belonging to District Leh. However, candidate belong ng to the Scheduled Caste category shall be eligible to apply for the said reserved vacancies irrespective of “heir residence in the concerned District. Minimum required qualification; reservation quota and othe– conditions pertaining to each post are as follows:
Total number of posts advertised = 16
Age as on 01-01-2015 should not be:-below the age of 18 years; and above the age of:
- 40 years in case of Open Merit and other category candidates
- 43 years in case of RBA, SC/ST candidates
- 42 years in case of Differently Abled candidates.
- 48 years in case of Ex-servicemen
- 40 years in case of cancidates already in Government Service/ Contractual employees and
Possess the prescribe academic/pro’essional/technical qualification as envisaged in the Recruitment rules of the indenting department and fu fill all other conditions of eligibility for the posts by or on the dosing date of receipt of application forms ;.e 10 -09-2015
Name of the Department | Name of the Post | No of posts with breakup | Prescribed Qualification |
Revenue | Patwari | OM = 10 RBA = 03 ST =02 SC =01 Total = 16 | Graduation with Knowledge of Urdu
Criteria Written Test : 80 points Viva voce : 20 points Total : 100 points |
- The application forms should be filled neatly and legibly as per prescribed format of LAHD- SSRB, Leh.(copy of forrrat is enclosed at the Annexure “A”)
- The photograph must be sized to the space indicated and must be signed by the applicant.
- Photocopies of relevant certificates required to be submitted with the complete application form must be duly attested by a Gazetted officer.
- One self addressed envelope of “5”X’10’ size with o stomp of ? 22.
- Note: Under process claim at any stage will not be entertained.3. Examination fee of t 100 shall have to be deposited through any of the branches of Jammu and Kashmir Bank, in favour of LAHD-SSRB, bearing account number 0069010200000771, opened with JK bank main branch, leh the receipt challan oc which must be attached with the application form.
- Note: Candidates must possess the minimum required qualification at the time of submitting the form. Any claim regarding qualification made after the c osing date for receipt of application forms shall not be entertained.
- Note: Candidates at the annexure, who have already applied for the said post against advertisement Notice No: 02 of 2013 dated: 13-08-2013 need not to reapply.
- A candidate found guilty of impersonation or submitting fabricated/tampered documents/testimonials or making statements which are ncorrect or false or suppressing material irformation including canvassing/lobbying shall be debaried permanently or for a specific period, from being considered for any or all recruitment made by the Board.
- Ordinarily, the board, in accordance with Council Regulation No: LAHDC-Leh/2/1995 para 10 (ii), shall restrict
- the number of applicants appearing for interviews to five times the number of post vacancies. Interviews will be held only after evaluation cf toe written/practical tests and preliminary screening. The prescribed qualifications reflect the bare minimum requirements of the job and mere possess on thereof shall not entitle a candidate to be called for /vritten/practical test/interview and also grant weight-age to the higher qualification in relevant line/disciplir e as may be decided by the Board.
- Call letter shall not be issued individually; however, the Board shall give wide publicity through print and electronic media, official website f of Leh District about venues and dates for written/practical tests/interviews for eligible candidates. However, it is the responsibility of applicants to be aware of this information; applicants are advised to contact the office of the Deputy Director, Employment, Secretary Leh Autonomous Hill Development -Subordinate Services Recruitment Board, after the dosing date receipt of application, to confirm dste and times of written/practical test/interviews.
- No claim of being unaware of the dates/schedule for written/practical tests/interview shall be entertained.
- The candidate must produce the original qualificabon/category certificate/Bonafide certificate in case of qualification obtained outside the J&K State before the committee constituted for oral test or as and when the Board may call such documents so that their eligibility for partidpation in the Physicsl/Type/Written/practical Test/interview is verified. Any candidate who fails to produce the relevant original documents/testimonials on the scheduled date shall not be allowed to appear in the above test.
- In service candidates should route the r application forms through proper channel. However, an advance copy, along with all required documents, shall reach the Board on or before the closing date for receipt of application. The Head of Department concerned shall forward the application from of the in service candidates to the office of Secretary Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Subordinate Services Recruitment Board, Leh within 5 days after the last date of filling of application form, i.e 10-09-2015.
Attention Please :
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