
Jammu University Computer Assistant, Medical Officer, Statistician written test schedule

Jammu University Computer Assistant, Medical Officer, Statistician written test schedule

It is circulated for the information of all concerned that the Screening/Written tests for the posts of Computer Assistant, Medical Officer, Statistician, Campus Development Officer and Assistant Registrar which were scheduled to be held on 5th , 6th , 8th and 26th March 2017, shall now be held on the dates as shown against each:

S.No Post Date & time for Screening written test
1. Medical Officer (advertised vide notification no. Adm/C&R/13/905-955 dated: 29.11.2013) 29.06.2017 (Thursday) at 10.00 am
2. Statistician (advertised vide notification no. Adm/C&R/l3/905- 955 dated: 29.11.2013) 30.06.2017(Friday) at 2.00 pm
3. Computer Assistant (Advertised vide notification no. Adm/C&R/14/1111-1160 dated: 06.06.2014) 02.07.2017 (Sunday) at 02.00 pm
4. Assistant Registrar (advertised vide notification nos. Estab./NTW / C&R/15/149-200 dated: 01.09.2015 & Campus Development Officer (advertised notification no. Adm/C&R/l4/1111-1160 dated: 06.06.2014). 09.07.2017 (Sunday) at 10.00 am onwards (two sessions)

The Call letters sent earlier shall be valid to appear in the Screening / Written test for the posts of Computer Assistant Medical Officer and Statistician and no fresh call letters shall be issued to the candidates. However, the call letters for the posts of Assistant Registrar and Campus Development Officer shall be sent shortly.

Complete Notification



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