JKSSB Instructions for candidates for Assistant Information Officer Aptitude test.
JKSSB Instructions for candidates for Assistant Information Officer Aptitude test.
Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board Aptitude Test for the post of Assistant Information Officers.
The Aptitude Test for the post of Assistant Information Officers, Divisional Cadre Jammu/Kashmir, Advertised vide Notification No. 03 of 2006 dated 28-12-2006, State Cadre, Advertised vide Notification N o 03 of 2008 dated 05-05-2008, District Cadre Bandipora, Udhampur, Rajouri, Doda, and Bandipora, Advertised vide Notification No 06 of 2008 dated 28-05-2008, and State Cadre, Advertised vide Notification No 08 of 2010 dated 24-12-2010 is being conducted on 20th of December, 2020 (Sunday) from 12:00 Noon to 02.00 P.M.
In order to ensure smooth conduct of Aptitude Test, the appearing candidates are advised to follow the following instructions:-
(i) Candidates must report one and half hour before start of the examination.
(ii) Candidate must carry the Admit Card and ID proof with them in the Examination Hall. No candidate would be allowed to sit in the examination without Admit Card or necessary corroboration of Admit Card with valid I.D. proof.
(iii) The candidates must not scratch, overwrite, tick mark in the OMR answer sheet. Multiple answers will be considered as wrong answer.
(v) The Candidates are only allowed to use only Blue or Blackballpointpen for filling details in OMR Answer sheet. Use of pencil and gel-pen is notallowed.
(v) The candidates should check their Question Paper before attempting to answer any question to ensure that there is no missing question or page, blank page, damaged or defaced page in their Question Booklet. In case candidate notices that he/she possesses such Question Paper, at any time during the Test, he / she shall inform the Invigilator regarding this to replace such Question Booklet immediately.
(vi) The candidates are advised to carefully read all instructions on OMR sheet before attempting to answer the questions.
(vii) The candidates are advised to maintain proper discipline and follow the instructions properly.
(viii) The candidate would not engage themselves in side talking which would disturb the examination.
(ix) The candidates will not be allowed to go to wash room during the Entrance Test, except in emergency caused by ill health, but in no case during the last 30 minutes of the examination.
(x) No candidate will be allowed to leave the classroom before the test time is over, irrespective of any reason whatsoever.
(xi) The candidates shall fill up all the relevant boxes and bubbles on the OMR Sheet with correct Roll Number, Series, Question Booklet number etc before signing OMR Sheet.
(xii) The candidates shall mark their attendance on the attendance sheets by putting his or her signature against his/her name.
(xiii) There are a Total of 40 Multiple choice Questions and 6 Descriptive Questions. Exam Duration is of 2 hours.
(xiv) There is 0.25 Negative Marks for Wrong Answers of Multiple choice Questions. The candidate must darken one bubble only corresponding to the chosen option, in response to each Multiple choice Questions.
(xv) The candidates shall darken the correct bubble (option) strictly as per the guide-lines so that the candidates responses are deciphered properly while scanning of OMR and SSB is not responsible for problems on account of wrongful recording of answers .
(xvi) Candidate are not allowed to carry any calculators, mobile phones,
Bluetooth devices, papers, notes, book, scanning devices, pagers, headphone, earplugs, laptops, i-pad, table pc and / or other computing/communication devices or electronic gadget into written test venue. Candidates found using or possessing such unauthorized
materials, indulging in copying or impersonation or adopting unfair means are liable to be summarily disqualified and may also be subjected to penal action.
(xvii) Candidates can carry writing-board, transparent water bottle, personal hand sanitizer, mask, ball pen and PwD Certificates Scribe and Scribe related documents, if applicable in the examination hall for their convenience.
(xviii) Candidates must abstain from obtaining any kind of unfair assistance.
(xix) Impersonation or use of unfair means by any candidate will make him / her liable for disqualification / cancellation of candidature.
1- The “SOP issued by MoHFW/J&K Government on preventive measures will be followed by all concerned while conducting/appearing in examination, to contain spread of COVID-19
2- Wearing of face mask and sanitizing of hands are mandatory and the candidate shall not spit in the Venue of Examination premises. However, candidate will have to remove his/her face mask as and when asked by the J&K Services Selection Board functionaries/Supervisory Staff deployed in the Examination Hall, for verification purposes.
3- In case a candidate is COVID positive, he / she should inform Centre Superintendent of the concerned centre on the day of examination alongwith necessary medical report so that appropriate sitting arrangement can be made by the Centre Superintendent.
4- Social distancing is mandatory throughout, from entry to exit in the Venue of Examination premises.
5- Strictly follow respiratory etiquette, this involves strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/ sneezing with a tissue’ handkerchief /flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly.
6- Important Instructions for the exam and Advisories regarding COVID-19 have also been issued to the candidates in their respective Admit Cards. All candidates should carefully read the Instructions and Advisories for COVID-19 given therein and strictly adhere to them.
7- Entry Time for candidates has been mentioned in the Admit card. Exit time will be decided by the Supervisor of the Centre concerned.
Attention Please :
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