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Central University Kashmir Recruitment 2025 Kashmir jobs Central University Kashmir Jobs Professor and Assistant Professor Jobs Vacancies. ROLLING ADVERTISEMENT FOR APPOINTMENT OF PROFESSORS Online applications in prescribed format are invited from the eligible Indian citizens and over seas citizens of India (OCIs) for appointment to the backlog posts of Professors in the following Departments to be
Central University Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2022. Various teaching Jobs | Last date 30 June 2022. Central university Kashmir jobs details Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for appointment of various teaching positions on substantive basis in the following departments: Convergent Journalism, Economics, Education, Teacher Education, English, Information Technolog)-, Law, Mathematics, Politics & Governance, Tourism
Central University Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2022 115 posts. Central University Kashmir Jobs : Online prescribed application forms are invited from the eligible candidates for appointment to the following teaching positions. The candidates who are willing to apply are advised to apply online on www.cukashmir.ac.in from 9th May, 2022 separately for each post advertised. The last
Central University Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2022. Assistant Professors/Teaching Assistants/ Guest Teachers | Walk in interview 31–01–2022. J&K Central University Kashmir Jobs. Central University Kashmir requires contractual Assistant Professors/Teaching Assistants/ Guest Teachers for teaching the students of Teacher Education department & Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance & Counselling program. The engagement of said faculty shall be
Central University Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2021. J&K Central University Kashmir Jobs applications are invited from the eligible candidates for position of full time Research Assistant for the Research Project titled ‘To study the status of Puntius conchonius (Hamilton, 1822) (fish) in the major water bodies of Kashmir and its possible use as alternative Ornamental /
Central University Kashmir Jobs recruitment 2021 walk in interview Assistant Professors/Teaching Assistants. Jammu and Kashmir Central University Kashmir invites interested eligible candidates for the post of Assistant Professors/Teaching Assistants. CUK walk in interview. Post: Assistant Professors/Teaching Assistants contractual basis Eligibility : 1 Masters Degree in Physics with minimum 55% marks.2 Ph.D. Degree in Physics in accordance
Central University Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2021 interview for Professor, Assistant Professor and Consultants posts. Central University Kashmir Jobs: Applications on the prescribed form are invited from the eligible candidates for the below-mentioned post on short-term contractual basis for an initial period of six months or till the relevant posts are filled up on a substantive
Central University Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2021. Central University Kashmir Field Investigators jobs Notification: Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the purely project-based temporary position of Field Investigators for Thematic Studies being conducted by the Consortium of the Central Universities in the Himalayan States and sponsored by N1TI Aayog, for 4 months. Central University Kashmir
CUK Jobs Guest Faculty walk in interview. The School of Legal Studies, Central University of Kashmir has to engage three Guest Faculty for teaching Procedural Law subjects in different semesters of BA.LLB. The candidates possessing the following qualifications can Walk in Interview in the Vice Chancellor’s Secretariat at Green Campus on 25th November, 2020 at
Central University Kashmir Status of Eligibility for Professor & Associate Professor. Status of Eligibility for the Post of Professor & Associate Professor. Status of eligibility for the post of Professor & Associate Professor, Dept. of Urdu. Revised Status of Eligibility for the Post of Professor & Associate Professor in Department of Information Technology . Department of