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Government of Jammu & Kashmir Housing & Urban Dev. Department Civil Secretariat Srinagar/Jammu ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE No. 01 of 2016 Dated 29 -02-2016 Subject:* Advertisement for engagement of Experts for State/ City level technical cells under Housing for All (UFA) purely on contractual basis. Date of commencement for submission of applications = 01 -03-2016 Last date
J&K Government finance corporation ltd. (A Government of India Enterprise) Applications are invited from brilliant, dedicated & result oriented candidates to man the following positions. The Candidates should be born between 1stMarch, 1979 and 28th Feb. 1998. Candidates meeting the prescribed criteria may send their bio-data on plain paper giving therein details of qualifications, experience,
UNIVERSITY OF KASHMIR OFFICE OF THE DEAN ACADEMIC AFFAIRS FOR ENGAGEMENT OF CONTRACTUAL LECTURERS FOR ACADEMIC SESSION -2016 Applications on the prescribed format which can be downloaded from the University website at are invited for engagement of Contractual Lecturers in the following Departments for academic year 2016, from the candidates possessing NET/SET/Ph.D. in the relevant
SRINAGAR MUNICIPAL CORPORATION JOB: SAFAIWALLA/MASHKIE/HELPER ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE Applications in prescribed format from the candidates residing within the municipal limits of Srinagar City are invited for the job on need basis as Safaiwalla/Mashkie/Helper on consolidated wages of Rs. 4500/* per month in Srinagar Municipal Corporation with the following eligibility:- s. No Post No. of posts No.
COMPOSITE REGIONAL CENTRE Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt, of India BEMINA BYE-PASS, SRINAGAR, 190018 Tel/Fax: (0194- 2495039) ADVERTISEMENT NOTIFICATION Composite Regional Centre, Jammu & Kashmir, Head Office Bernina Bypass Srinagar, invites applications on prescribed format from the eligible candidates for hiring of services on purely contractual basis under Academic arrangements for the