Tag: Govt. College for Women

Latest admission notifications in schools, colleges, university in Jammu and kashmir

GCW College PG Admission Notification.

GCW College PG Admission Notification. This is for the information of students, who have applied for PG Courses in (Music, Home Science, Computer Applications, English and Zoology) that they have to upload grand total (marks) of all the semesters till 28th Nov, 2022. Note: Students who fail to upload the total marks of graduation shall

GCW,Prade PG Admission Notice.

GCW, Prade PG Admission Notice. In continuation to Notification No. WCP/Coll/2022/3677 Dated: 22-10-2022, regarding the last date of registration for the entrance test in the PG programme (English, Music, MCA, Home-Science and Zoology) for the session 2022-23, it is hereby notified that the entrance test shall be conducted on 6th Nov. 2022. E-mail: principalgcwparade@gmail.com Tel.

GCW Parade College Results Notice

GCW Parade College Results Notice Govt. College for Women, Parade Ground College Result Notification Notification Result Gazette UG Semester 4th Notification Result Gazette UG Semester 6th Notification Result Gazette UG Semester 4th Current Affairs PDF for upcoming JKSSB Govt Jobs. 7 Month’s Current Affairs PDF Important Link for Candidates appearing in  JKSSB Upcoming Exams. For

Govt Jobs in Govt. Degree Colleges Academic Arrangement Session 2020-21.

Govt Jobs in Govt. Degree Colleges of Kashmir Division. Govt. Degree Colleges Academic Arrangement Session 2020-21. Online applications, along with Challan Based Payment of Rs 100/-, are invited from the eligible candidates for engagement as Lecturers/Librarians/PTIs and Teaching Assistants/Assistant Librarians/Assistant PTIs on Need Based Academic Arrangement in Govt. Degree Colleges of Kashmir Division (excluding the
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