Govt Jobs in Jammu and Kashmir: Latest Fresh Govt jobs openings in J&K Government sector, Jobs in various govt department, Like JKSSB, JKPSC, Bank, JKPolice Jobs Health Department, Education Department, NHM, PSO, and various other.
JKPSC Govt Medical Colleges Recruitment 2023 125 vacancies. Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission JKPSC GMC Jobs recruitment, online applications for filling up the Gazetted Vacancies in various GMCs in Health and Medical Education Department vide Advt Notification No. 35 PSC of 2023. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Or Download Our Mobile App
GMC Kathua Jobs Recruitment 2022 | Junior Residents. J&K GOVT KATHUA JOBS : WALK-IN-INTERVIEW NOTICE FOR JUNIOR RESIDENTS. Applications are invited through walk-in interview from Non-PSC doctors who are domicile of UT of J&K for the tenure posts of Junior Resident in various specialties in Govt. Medical College, Kathua on 22-02-2022 as per schedule given
GMC Kathua Jobs Assistant Professors posts last date 14th June, 2021. J&K Govt Medical College Advertisement for engagement of Assistant Professors on academic arrangement basis under S.O-364 of 2020 dated 27-11-2020, in Government Medical College, Kathua. In terms of S.0-364 of 2020 dated 27-11-2020, applications on plain paper are invited from all the eligible candidates
GMC Kathua Jobs Recruitment 2021 under ECRP. Govt. Medical College Kathua Engagement of manpower for COVID-19 under ECRP (Emergency COVID Response package). Application on proscribed format are Invited from all eligible candidates of District Kathua for engagement against the following posts on contract/temporary basis initially for a period of three (03) Months (extendable up to
GMC Kathua Jobs Recruitment 2021. | Junior Resident posts | Walk in : 22-04-2021. GMC Kathua Jobs: Applications are invited through walk-in interview from Non-PSC doctors for the tenure posts of Junior Resident in various specialties in Govt. Medical College, Kathua on 22-04-2021 as per schedule given below: Reporting time for interview: 11:00 AM For
GMC Kathua Jobs Recruitment 2021. Govt Medical College GMC Kathua Jobs: Applications are invited from Non-PSC doctors for the tenure posts of SR and Demonstrator in various disciplines of Govt. Medical College, Kathua. GMC Kathua Jobs Details: Tutor/Demonstrator Vacant Anatomy: 1 Physiology: 1 Microbiology: 1 Forensic Medicine: 1 Senior Resident/Registrar Vacant General Medicine: 3 Tuberculosis