Tag: Jammu-181143 (J&K)

Govt Jobs in Jammu and Kashmir: Latest Fresh Govt jobs openings in J&K Government sector, Jobs in various govt department, Like JKSSB, JKPSC, Bank, JKPolice Jobs Health Department, Education Department, NHM, PSO, and various other.

Central University of Jammu Guest Faculty jobs (Walk-in Interview).

Central University of Jammu Guest Faculty jobs (Walk-in Interview). Empanelment Guest Faculty (Walk-in Interview) University intends to empanel Guest Faculty on purely per lecture basis as and when required in various Departments of the University. The qualifications and eligibility as per UGC guidelines/regulations (amended from time to time) and Central University Act, 2009 will be

Central University of Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2022

Central University of Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2022 Dr. Ambedkar Center of Excellence (DACE), Central University of Jammu (CUJ) Rahya Suchani is inviting offline applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of 03 – FACULTY POSITIONS for the teaching of Civil Service Examinations for UPSC / JKAS aspirants on a contractual basis (Consolidated emoluments shall be

Central University of Jammu Walk-In-Interview.

Central University of Jammu Walk-In-Interview Guest Faculty Empanelment-Guest Faculty (Walk-in-Interview). Interested eligible candidates can apply for given below the posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: Guest Faculty Qualification and Eligibility: The qualifications and eligibility as per UGC guidelines/ regulations (amended from

CUJ Admission 2022 B.Tech Programmes.

CUJ Admission 2022 B.Tech Programmes. Central University of Jammu Admission Notice B.Tech Programmes for Academic Year 2022-23 Admissions in the following B.Tech. Programmes will be made through JEE (Mains/Advanced) based JoSAA 2022 counseling at https://josaa.nic.in Contact: Head, Department of Computer Science & IT Ph. No: 9354666851, Email: btechadmission@cujammu.ac.in Admission Inquiry Form: https://forms.gle/LiXwthUwC5TVtYh37 Address: Rahya-Suchani (Bagla),

Central University of Jammu Admission Notice.

Central University of Jammu Admission Notice B.Tech Programmes for Academic Year 2022-23 Admissions in the following B.Tech. Programmes will be made through JEE (Mains/Advanced) based JoSAA 2022 counseling at https://josaa.nic.in Contact: Head, Department of Computer Science & IT Ph. No: 9354666851, Email: btechadmission@cujammu.ac.in Admission Inquiry Form: https://forms.gle/LiXwth UwC5TVtYh37 Address: Rahya-Suchani (Bagla), Distt Samba, Jammu-181143 (J&K)

Central University of Jammu Admission Notice

Central University of Jammu Admission Notice B.Tech Programmes Admission Notice for B.Tech programmes for the academic year 2022-23 central university of Jammu is going to start following B. Tech engineering programmes and admission will be made through JEE (Mains/Advanced). Contact: Head, Department of Computer Science & IT Ph. No: 9354666851, Email: btechadmission@cujammu.ac.in Address: Rahya-Suchani (Bagla),

Central University of Jammu Admission Notice.

Central University of Jammu Admission Notice. B.Tech Programmes for Academic Year 2022-23. The Central University of Jammu is going to start following B.Tech EngineeringProgrammes and admission will be made through JEE (Mains/Advanced): For Admission Please Contact: Head, Department of Computer Science & IT Ph. No: 9354666851, Email:btechadmission@cujammu.ac.in Address: Rahya-Suchani (Bagla), Distt Samba, Jammu-181143 (J&K) Ph:

Central University of Jammu faculty vacancies.

Central University of Jammu faculty vacancies. Central University of Jammu  Faculty Position for the teaching of Civil Service Examinations for UPSC/JKAS aspirants Central University of Jammu required Faculty Position. Interested eligible candidates can apply for given below the posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name

Central University of Jammu Walk-in-Interview

Central University of Jammu Walk-in-Interview Guest Faculty. Central University of Jammu Jobs Walk-in-Interview Applications are invited from suitable candidates interested to be empanelled as Guest Faculty in Central University of Jammu for Academic Session 2022-23 as per following details:- University intends to empanel Guest Faculty on a purely per lectures basis on as and when
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