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MIER College Of Education Jammu Jobs. | Assistant Professor | Last date 25 Oct 2021. Jammu and Kashmir MIER College Of Education Jammu Jobs: Applications on the prescribed form available on the college website www.miercollege.in are invited for the following post at undergraduate level: MIER College Jammu Jobs Details: POST NAME ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN PSYCHOLOGY.
GMC Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2021. | Registrars/Demonstrators | last date 20-10-2021. Jammu and Kashmir Govt. Medical College Jammu GMC Jammu Jobs: Applications are invited from PSC/Non PSC doctors Jobs for the tenure post of Registrars/Demonstrators in the following disciplines of this college for a maximum period of three year as per SPO 25 of 2013
Cluster University Srinagar Examination Notification B.Ed/M.Ed 1st Sem. Cluster University Srinagar Examination Notification for I.G B.Ed/M.Ed 1st Semester. All the candidates of I.G B.Ed/M.Ed 1st Semester Regular Batch-2020 and backlog candidates of previous Batches are hereby informed to submit their online examination forms along with the prescribed fee through student login w-e-f 26-12-2020 to 03-01-2021
Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Jobs under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA State Cell Applications are invited on the format provided along from the eligible persons for the post of Ombudsman under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA. Position : Ombudsman under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA. Total No. of posts: 11 (One Ombudsman for two districts) ELIGIBILITY: 1. The
LADAKH AUTONOMOUS HILL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL LEH ADVERTISE LATEST NOTIFICATION REGARDING Filling-up of the vacant post of supporting Stall under MGNREGA. Advertisement Notice No: ACDL-04 of 2016 Opening Date: 08-08-2016. Closing Date: 22-08-2016. Vacancy details LAHDC invites the application form the eligible candidates for the Post of Technical Assistant (Junior Engineer) purely on contract basis