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Govt Creates 178 Posts for High Court of J&K and Ladakh. Creation of 178 posts in different categories for the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. Sanction is hereby accorded to the creation of following 178 (One hundred seventy eight) posts in different categories to the extent number of posts shown against each
J&K High Court Recruitment 2020. JK High Court Advertisement for two divisional cadre posts of Counselors (Non-Gazetted) for two Family Courts one each in Jammu and Srinagar districts: a) Total No. of posts = 02 b) Last date for submission of applications = 18.07.2020. The candidates are having age as on 01.01.2020 I. Not below
J&K High Court interview/Viva-voce for Class IV posts. The interview/Viva-voce of the eligible candidates of all the three divisions of the State, who have applied for the District Cadre posts of Class-IV in Subordinate Courts of the State, Advertised vide Notification No. 01 of 2019 dated 10.01.2019, shall be conducted at their respective District Court
High Court of Jammu and Kashmir Recruitment 2015 Applications in the prescribed format (Annexure-A ) for direct recruitment in the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir to the posts, the particulars are given below, are invited from the permanent residents of Jammu and Kashmir State. The number of the posts and qualification are specified below