Tag: Lecturer jobs

JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs Recruitment, For all latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs notification alerts and Updates. Privates Jobs, Part time jobs, Jobs of Graduates, Jobs for Engineers.

R.S. College of education Jobs.

R.S. College of education Jobs Kathua Jammu. R.S. College of education jobs applications are invited for the following posts:- Kathua Jobs Details LECTURERS: i). Perspectives in Education, Teaching of English, Teaching of Commerce, Teaching of Bio-Sciences and Environmental Science. P.G in concerned subject with 55% marks and M. Ed with minimum 55% marks. NET/SET and

Madr-e-Meharban Jammu Jobs.

Madr-e-Meharban Jammu Jobs. The Madr-e-Meharban Campus of Health Sciences in Chak Bhalwal, Jammu (181122) is inviting applications for various appointments. The roles include leadership and faculty positions in Nursing, Pharmacy, and other specialized areas. Interested candidates should meet the qualifications and experience criteria set as per INC (Indian Nursing Council) and PCI (Pharmacy Council of

Lecturer Jobs in Vivekanand College Of Education.

Lecturer Jobs in Vivekanand College Of Education Kathua J&K. Applications alongwith two photographs and two sets of Photostat copies of all testimonials are invited for the posts of Lecturers in Education, Physical Education, Teaching of Social studies and Mathematic carrying UGC pay scale, so as to reach this office by 8th September, 2024 positively. The

Jobs in S.E.M. College of Nursing & Paramedical Sciences.

Jobs in S.E.M. College of Nursing & Paramedical Sciences. Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Driver vacancies. SEM College for B.Sc Nursing Programme requires below mentioned staf eith respective Qualification and experience in the relevant field for B.Sc Nursing Course. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates.

GMC Jammu Lecturer Jobs 2024.

GMC Jammu Lecturer Jobs 2024. Govt Medical College GMC Jammu Lecturer  Jobs. On Scrutiny of application forms submitted for the post of Lecturer in the discipline of Surgical Oncology SSH, GMC Jammu invited vide advertisement Notice No. GMC/Estt/GD/SO- 364/1674 dated 14-12-2023, no candidate has been found eligible. Hence, the said Post is Readvertised  Name of

Sopore Law College Jobs Recruitment 2023.

Sopore Law College Jobs Recruitment 2023. Sopore Jobs Application on plain paper containing full bio-data are invited for the following posts. 1 Lecturer in Law LLM with a minimum 55% Marks Preference will be given to the candidates having Ph.D / NET / SET / Teaching Experience 2 Guest Faculty in Law Practicing Advocate with

GMC Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2023.

GMC Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2023. Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer vacancies. GMC Jammu Jobs Fresh applications on plain paper (Typed) are invited from the candidates /doctors(Non PSC) /Retired) for engagement on “Academic Arrangement basis” in terms of 50-364 dated 27-11-2020 as per the criteria fixed vide Govt. Order No. 282-JK (HME) of 2023 dated

Govt. Degree Colleges Jammu Jobs recruitment 2023.

Govt. Degree Colleges Jammu Jobs recruitment 2023 Advertisement Notice for Academic Arrangement 2023-23 for Jammu Division Colleges. Govt. Degree Colleges Jammu Jobs Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for engagement as Lecturers / Librarians / PTIs and Teaching Assistants on Academic Arrangement in Govt. Degree Colleges of Jammu division for the Academic Session 2023-24. The

Assistant Professor, Lecturer Jobs in Degree College.

Assistant Professor, Lecturer Jobs in Degree College. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Applicants are required to apply as per below-mentioned posts: – Assistant Professors in Business Management, Commerce, English, Economics, Political Science, Education, History & Environment Science: PG in concerned subject with min 55% marks

Lecturer Jobs in Qamria Model Hr. Sec Educational Institute.

Lecturer Jobs in Qamria Model Hr. Sec Educational Institute. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the Post : Lecturer Physics Lecturer Chemistry Lecturer Zoology Lecturer Botany Science Teacher How to apply:  Interested candidates can send their resume/CV on the aforementioned WhatsApp/Email ID or drop
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