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NIET Teachers Job Applications along with the hard/soft copy of the latest CV are invited from the male/female candidates for filling up the following vacancies in our institution for the academic year 2023. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. How to apply: The desirous candidates can
NIET Budgam Jobs Recruitment 2022. Teacher Jobs. Jammu and Kashmir NIET Budgam Jobs National Institute of Education and Technique invites applications along with the hard/soft copy of latest CV are invited from the male/female candidates for filling up the following vacancies in our institution for the academic year 2022. The desirous candidates can personally drop
NIET National Institute of Education and Techniques Budgam Kashmir Jobs Recruitment. NIET Inivites application for various teaching posts. NIET Notification Updates. English Language Expert/Trainer M. A English/Linguistics/M.Phil/Ph.D. Must have English fluency and good command over English grammar and pronunciation. Have Worked as English trainer for at least one year in any recognised institute. English Teacher