Govt Jobs in Jammu and Kashmir: Latest Fresh Govt jobs openings in J&K Government sector, Jobs in various govt department, Like JKSSB, JKPSC, Bank, JKPolice Jobs Health Department, Education Department, NHM, PSO, and various other.
Governement Medical College GMC Jammu Jobs Academic Arrangement 2020. Extended last date extended. As per the Administrative Department Health & Medical Education Civil Secretariat Jammu vide letter No. ME-GAZ-156/2019 dated 19-12-2010. Applications on plain paper (Typed) are invited from the candidates /doctors(Non PSC) /Retired) for engagement on “Academic Arrangement basis” in terms of SRO-24 dated
Indian Institute of Technical Trainings IITTJammu Recruitment 2020. Required Faculty Positions Applications with Bio data are invited from eligible candidates for the following positions:- How to apply Candidates should apply with detailed Bio data / coloured photograph and testimonials / experience to M.D.IIT-T or send through email: Contact: 01923 -222799, 99060 – 33373, 94191
MIET Faculty Jobs Recruitment 2020. Professor Associate, Professor Assistant, Professor Jobs. Applications along with latest bio-data are invited from eligible candidates for the following positions: Post Name: Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Ph.D. qualified candidates from reputed Universities and proven research credentials shall be eligible for higher pay. How to apply Candidates should apply with
GMC Doda Recruitment 2019. Govt Jobs Updates. New GMC Jobs Details. New GMC Doda Recruitment advertisements. Engagement as Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor on academic arrangement basis Advertisement for engagement of Faculty on academic arrangement basis under SRO 24 of 2019 dated 10-01-2019 in new Government Medical College, Doda. In terms of SRO-24 of
Madr-e-Meharban Campus of Health Sciences Jobs Recruitment. Jobs Details. 1. Principal PH College of Pharmacy (as per PCI)* 2. Lecturer/Asstt Professor Pharmacognosy/Pharmacology as per pci) 3. Lecturer/Tutor Nursing (MSc Nursing) 4. Asstt Prof Lab Technology (MBBS, DCP) 5. Lecturer Lab Technology (MSc MLT/BMLT with MSc Biochemistry/Microbiology) 6. Librarian/Asstt Librarian (B Lib/M Lib) 7. Technician Laboratory
Govt Medical College GMC Rajouri Jobs Recruitment, Professor Jobs, Assistant Professor Jobs, Associate Prof Jobs. New Government Medical College, Rajouri Jobs Details Advertisement for engagement of Faculty on academic arrangement basis under SRO 24 of 2019 dated 10-01-2019 in new Government Medical College, Rajouri In terms of SRO-24 of 2019 dated 10-01-2019, applications on plain
Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical SKIMS Kashmir Recruitment 2019. In Latest employment notification application are invited for Professor and Assistant Professor posts. Latest SKIMS Kashmir Notification update. Applications are invited on prescribed format (Form-1) for filling up of following vacant faculty positions at SKIMS under direct recruitment on regular/temporary basis:- Post Name PROFESSOR Cardio-Vascular & Thoracic
Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University BGSBU Jobs Recruitment 2019. BGSBU in latest jobs notification invites application for Professor, Associate Professor posts. Applications on prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for appointment in the following departments of the School of Engineering & Technology, BGSBU. Post Name : Professor, Associate Professor . Subjects: 1. Civil Engineering 2. Electrical
Model Institute of Engineering & Technology MIET Jobs Recruitment Teaching Jobs. In latest employment notification application are invited for teaching positions. All the Interested candidates may send their CV on on or before 05th Oct 2018. Jkalerts will provide you the complete detail about this J&K Private job notification like Eligibility criteria, How to