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Jobs in GD Goenka Health Care. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: Radiology Technician B.Sc/M.Sc (Radiology) MLT (B.Sc/M.Sc) MLT Minimum 1 year of experience Date of interview: 20-07-2024 Email: Sninagarik@gdgoenkahealthcare.Com Contact on: 8899257952 8899257953 8899257954 Athwajan, Srinagar. For all Jobs Updates download
AIIMS Recruitment 2023 AIIMS Raebareli is currently hiring for multiple positions including Audiometry Technician, Cath Lab Technician, CSSD Technician, Dialysis Technician, ECG Lab Technician, ICU Technician, Optometrist, OT Technician, Perfusionist, Physiotherapist, Radiology Technician, Speech Therapist, Lab Technician, and Manifold Technician. The official notification states that the maximum age limit for applicants is 35 years. Selected