Tag: SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs

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SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs.

SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs. SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs applications are invited from the highly motivated and eligible candidates to work as Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under the project entitled “Circular economy approach to valorize the walnut shell (a major by-product of walnut industryof J&K)”spon sored by Department of Science &Technology. The position is purely on

SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs.

SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs. SKUAST Kashmir Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of one position of Junior Research Fellow for a period of three years in the DST-SERB funded project entitled, “Solid Waste Biochar Intervention in Farming Under Temperate Environment. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App

SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs.

SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs. SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Details: The eligible candidates are invited for walk in interview for one (1) position of Junior Research Fellow available under DBT funded project entitled “Mapping of nut traits to accelerate breeding in walnut (Juglans regia L.)’\ The candidates with requisite qualification shall bring the brief bio data and

SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs.

SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs. SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs Recruitment 2021. Applications on plain paper with full bio-data along with attested testimonials, are invited from the eligible candidates for one position required under the NMHS sponsored project titled “Impact of Climate Change on Apple Production and Screening of Climate Resilient Varieties in Kashmir Valley” purely on

SKUAST Kashmir JRF, Technical Assistant Jobs.

SKUAST Kashmir JRF, Technical Assistant Jobs Recruitment 2021. SKUAST Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir invites application for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Technical Assistant. SKUAST Kashmir Post Name. Junior Research Fellow (JRF): 02 Technical Assistant: 02 SKUAST Kashmir Walk-in: 6th February 2021 at 12:30 PM. How to apply SKUAST Kashmir Jobs.

SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2021.

SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2021. SKUAST Kashmir invites applications for the posts of JRF and Technical Assistant interested candidates can read the complete details given below. Applications on plain paper are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow in the Industries & Commerce Department, Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project, Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir

SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs Recruitment 2020.

SKUAST Kashmir JRF Jobs Recruitment 2020. Jammu and Kashmir Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir Junior Research Fellow (JRF)  jobs Update. SERB-DST Project on Changthangi Sheep Improvement Mountain Livestock Research Institute Manasbal Applications on plain paper with full biodata, contact address/contract No. and attested copies of testimonials are invited from eligible candidates
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