Tag: skuast kashmir

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SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2019.

SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2019. SKUAST Kashmir Notification Applications on plain paper with full bio-data along with attested testimonials are invited from the eligible candidates for three position required under the DST- HICAB sponsored research project titled “Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Agriculture in Kashmir Himalayan purely on contractual basis which are co-terminus with

SKUAST Kashmir admission notification 2019.

SKUAST Kashmir admission notification 2019 SKUAST – K admission for UG and Master Degree Programmes session 2019. Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Science & Technology of Kashmir Admission Notice 2019 SKUAST-K ANNOUNCES ADMISSION TO UNDERGRADUATE AND MASTERS DEGREE PROGRAMMES FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION-2019. SKUAST-K admission notice. SKUAST invites online applications from eligible domicile candidates of Jammu

SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2019. post various

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology SKUAST Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2019. SKUAST various Govt  Jobs Details. Applications on prescribed proforma  are invited from permanent residents of Jammu & Kashmir for the following posts: Medical Officer Pay Level (L-10 56100-177500)  01 Open Merit M.B.B.S. Degree from a recognized University Registration from Indian Medical Council Desirable

SKUAST Kashmir Interviews Schedule for Teachers

SKUAST Kashmir  latest notification Interviews Schedule for  Assessment / Reassessment under Career Advancement Scheme for Teachers Advertisement  For all the J&K latest Jobs, News, download JKalerts App Name of the post. Teachers Venue: Vice-Chancellor’s Secretariat, Shalimar , Srinagar Time: 10 .00 A.M. Download the Complete Notification For all latest Govt and Private  Jobs updates Exam, syllabus,

SKUAST Kashmir walk in-interview for engagement of Lecturers

Advertisement  For all the J&K latest Jobs, News, download JKalerts App Sher-e-KashmirUniversity of Agricultural Sciences & Technology  SKUAST Kashmir walk in-interview for engagement of Lecturers. Govt jobs in Kashmir Walk in-interview for engagement of Contractual/Guest Lecturers for teaching assignments during Autumn Semester 2018 in the below mentioned Faculties/Disciplines shall be held on 18th of July 2018

SKUAST Kashmir Preliminary Screening of applications for direct recruitment

Advertisement  For all the J&K latest Jobs, News, download JKalerts App SKUAST Kashmir Preliminary Screening of applications for direct recruitment of Stenographer, Plumber, Electrician, Carpenter, Security Officer and Security Guard  posts It is notified for information of all the candidates who have applied for various posts viz., Stenographer, Plumber, Electrician, Carpenter, Security Officer and Security Guard

SKUAST Kashmir Walk in interview for Technical Assistant post

Advertisement  Get Free Jobs Notification on Mobile Phone In Latest Employment Notification SKUAST Kashmir Invites application from interested and eligible candidates for Technical Assistant posts. Advertisement Applications are invited for a Walk-ln-Interview to be held on 3rd July, 2018 at 11.00 AM in the Directorate of Research (SKUAST-K, Shalimar) for the below mentioned position in

Junior Research Fellow (JRF), Technical Assistant Jobs in SKUAST Kashmir

Junior Research Fellow (JRF), Technical Assistant Jobs in SKUAST Kashmir Candidates possessing the essential qualification are invited for walk-in interview on 24th May, 2018 (Thursday) at 10:30 AM at Division of Plant Biotechnology, SKUAST Kashmir, Shalimar for the following temporary positions, coterminous with the project. Candidates shall bring their brief biodata, original and attested copies


JOBS IN SKUAST KASHMIR  Applications on plain paper giving full details of academic qualifications are invited for the contractual position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under the DST Project entitled, “Ecological engineering for conservation of biological control of insect pests in vegetable ecosystem of Kashmir”. Name of the post   Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Sponsor link

SRF vacancies in SKUAST kashmir

  S.K. UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY OF KASHMIR, SHALIMAR CAMPUS SRINAGAR, J&K Invites Online/plain paper applications giving full details and research experience are invited for the contractual engagement of the following co-terminus position available under the project’Climate Change Impact on Erosion Processes, Carbon Sequestration and Crop Productivity under Cold Arid Agro-Ecosystem” (NICRA) on
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