Tag: Staff Nurses

Jammu and Kashmir notifications Updates, results, alerts, tenders, JK Updates, J&K Updates

District Health Society Selection list for various posts in NHM.

District Health Society Selection list for various posts in NHM. FINAL SELECT LIST OF CANDIDATES FOR ENGAGEMENT FOR VARIOUS POSTS IN DISTRICT UDHAMPUR ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS UNDER NHM IN REFERENCE TO THIS OFFICE ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE NO.02 OF 2019 CMO/UDH/NHM/2019-20/560-566 DATED:- 12-06-2019. The selected candidates are advised to report to the office of the Chief Medical

J&K National Health Mission NHM Recruitment 2018 posts various

J&K National Health Mission NHM Recruitment 2018 posts various Applications are invited from the eligible candidates of District Pulwama for  various posts of Staff Nurses,  Pharmacist (Allopathic), Female Multi Purpose Health Worker (FMPHW), Pharmacist (ISM). Govt Jobs updates in JK NHM Name of the post: Staff Nurses,  Pharmacist (Allopathic), Female Multi Purpose Health Worker (FMPHW), Pharmacist (ISM).

Jobs in Bee Enn General Hospital

Bee Enn General Hospital Recruitment 2017 Jobs Details 1. Medical Record Keeper (Diploma in Med. Rec. Tech.) 2. Anesthesiologist 3. Staff Nurses (BSc/ GNM) How to apply Drop your resume at Reception of Bee Enn General Hospital Talab Tillo Road, Jammu 180 002 Email: bngh@beeenngroup.com Ph. Nos. 0191-2555631,2505310, 2552086

Selection list in Rural Health Mission, Pharmacist, Laboratory Technicians, Staff Nurses, Dental Surgeon, and Dental Technician

OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER, SRINAGAR Convener District Health Society, Srinagar, National Rural Health Mission Address: CMO Office, Karan Nagar, Behind National School (from Sumo Stand side) Srinagar, J&K NOTIFICATION Selection list of the candidates who had applied for the posts of Pharmacist under (NUHM) NRHM for District Srinagar vide notification No: CMO/ NRHM/
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