JKSSB Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board. For all latest JKSSB latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB Free Jobs and notification alerts and Updates.
JKSSB Fresh Release of recommendation of candidate for various posts. Release of recommendation of candidate for the post of Sub Motor Vehicle Inspector, Divisional Cadre Jammu, Item No 022(04 of 2017). Release of recommendation of candidates for the post of Jr Engineer Civil, Divisional Cadre Kashmir, Item No 01(04 of 2017) and Jr Statistical Assistant,
JKSSB Cancellation of candidature of candidate for the post of Teacher. Post Name Urdu, Science/Maths Teacher. JKSSB Cancellation of candidature of candidate Post of Science/Maths Teacher, District Cadre Samba, Item No 025 (06 of 2017) and Urdu Teacher, District Cadre Reasi, Item No 041(06 of 2017).
JKSSB Cancellation of candidature Telephone Operator, Jr Theatre Technician, Urdu Teacher. Post name Telephone Operator, Jr Theatre Technician, Urdu Teacher. Cancellation of candidature of the candidates for the posts of Telephone Operator, Divisional cadre Kashmir, Item No 310 ((01 of 2011),. Jr Theatre Technician, District Cadre Kupwara,Item No 96(01 of 2016). Urdu Teacher, District Cadre
JKSSB Computer Based Written Test (CBT) Schedule for various categories of posts. Computer Based Written Test (CBT) for various categories of posts scheduled to be held w.e.f 25th of March, 2020. 1. It is for the information of all the candidates who have applied for the items/advertisements shown hereunder as Annexure “A” of this notice
JKSSB Latest Recommendation released for various categories of posts. Post Various. Recommendation released for various categories of posts on 05 & 06 of March, 2020 JKSSB Recommendation released for various categories of posts on 04 & 05 of March, 2020 – II
JKSSB Submission of Preferences for Jr Assistant/Jr Assistant cum Computer Operator. Post name Jr Assistant, Jr Assistant cum Computer Operator. Submission of Preferences for the posts of Jr Assistant/Jr Assistant cum Computer Operator, Divisional Cadre Kashmir and various District Cadre of Kashmir province in pursuance to the Advertisement Notice no 04 of 2017 under PM
JKSSB Selection List of Theatre Assistant/Technician, Technician-III, Laboratory Assistant. Post Name Theatre Assistant/Technician, Technician-III, Laboratory Assistant. Revised Selection List of candidates in respect of SC Category for the post of Theatre Assistant/Technician, (Health and Medical Education Department (GMC Anantnag), Divisional Cadre Kashmir Advt/Item No. 01/2019/008 Selection list of candidates for the post of Technician-III in
JKSSB Selection list of candidates for the post of Patwari. JKSSB Notification, SSBJK Notification. Post Name Patwari. District Cadre Poonch Item No 566 (06 of 2015) JKSSB Selection list of candidates for the post of Patwari, District Cadre Poonch, Item No 566 (06 of 2015)
JKSSB Cancellation of candidature of candidates for the post of Teacher. Post name General Teacher, Science/Maths Teacher and Urdu Teachers. Cancellation of candidature of candidates for the post of General Teacher, Science/Maths Teacher and Urdu Teachers in pursuance to advertisement Notice No 06 of 2017
JKSSB Cancellation of candidature for the post of General Teacher. JKSSB Notification SSB JK Updates. Post name General Teacher. District Cadre Bandipora and Kulgam. Cancellation of candidature of candidates for the post of General Teacher, District Cadre Bandipora and Kulgam, Item no 002 and 006 (06 of 2017)