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Sarah Institute of Medical Sciences Jobs recruitment 2024. The Sarah Institute of Medical Sciences, affiliated with the University of Kashmir and J&K Paramedical Council, invites applications for various teaching and administrative positions. The institute seeks qualified professionals in nursing education for roles that involve academic leadership and instruction. This is an excellent opportunity for experienced
Shemford Futuristic School Recruitment 2024. Shemford Futuristic School, a CBSE-affiliated senior secondary school located in Jammu, is hiring for various teaching and administrative positions. Vacancies: Vice Principal PGT (Physics/Chemistry) TGT (Science) Music Teacher Eligibility Criteria: Vice Principal: Must have a Postgraduate degree, strong communication skills, and at least 5 years of administrative experience in a
Jobs in Laxmi Narayan Academy. Laxmi Narayan Academy, located in Hazuri Bagh Road, Bohri (Talab Tillo), Jammu, is seeking qualified staff for multiple positions. Eligibility: Teachers: B.A/B.Sc (2 positions). Computer Teacher: B.A (1 position). Vice Principal: B.A/B.Ed (1 position). How to Apply: Interested candidates can contact the provided phone numbers for more details and negotiations
Jobs in Galaxy public school For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: Vice-principal a) M.A., M.Ed b) Teaching experience of 5 yrs TGT Eng, math, Hindi, S.St, science, it master / bachelor degree with B.Ed/M.Ed, BCA Nursery trained teacher diploma in nursery training/D.El.Ed
Mount Litera Senior Secondary School Jobs Recruitment 2024. School Jobs in Jammu vacacnies are Vice Principal , PGT (All Subjects), TGT (All subjects), PRT, NTT, Art and Craft Teacher, Librarian, Physical Instructor Accountant, Receptionist, Office Boy/Girl, Transport Manager, Security Guards, Peon (Male/Female): For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for
Jobs in Royal Institute of Para Medical Sciences. Applications along with copy of certificates are invited from eligible candidates for engagement as faculty members, which should reach the office of the undersigned by or before 20/02/2024 (20th Feb. 2024). Name of the post: Principal Vice Principal Associate professors Assistant Professors Tutors Dariend ganderbal Contact
Rich Harvest School Jobs. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. How to apply: Full bio data along with passport size photograph should be e-mailed at richharvest2222@gmail.com latest by 25th June, 2023. Shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview Command over English is a must. Salary
Jobs in Doon International School Baramulla. Doon International School Baramulla Invites candidate for various posts. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: VICE PRINCIPAL Female MIN QUAL:2 TO 3 YEARS ACCOUNTANT M/F PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER M/F RECEPTIONIST F How to apply: DROP YOUR
KVS Various Vacancy 13404 Posts Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has Announced Notification for the recruitment of Principal, TGT, PGT, Librarian & Other vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online. Name of the post: SI No Post Name Total Post 1
Army Public School Samba Jobs Last date extended Vice Principal. Army Public School Samba Jobs: The last date for the above said post has been extended up to 24/10/2022 along-with extended Qualification Requirements. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Army Public School Jobs Details; 1. Post Vice