Tag: Winter vacation

Jammu and kashmir Latest news

CUK extends winter vacation till 14 Feb.

CUK extends winter vacation till 14 Feb. The Central University of Kashmir (CUK) on Thursday announced extension of winter vacation till February-14. “Due to inclement weather conditions and ongoing student internship programs outside Jammu & Kashmir, the university has decided to resume its offline classwork from February 17,” reads a communique of CUK. The notification

DSEJ extends winter vacation for all schools

DSEJ extends winter vacation for all schools in summer zones of region till Jan-19 In view of extreme cold weather conditions, Directorate of School Education Jammu (DSEJ) Wednesday extended winter vacation for all government and recognized private schools of summer zones of the region till January-19. Director of School Education Jammu said that in view

Winter vacation extended in Schools of Jammu Division

Winter vacation extended in Schools of Jammu Division In view of the prevailing inclement weather conditions, the winter vacations of Government/Private recognized schools functioning in Summer Zones of Jammu Division ordered by this office order No.662- DSEJ of 2022 dated: 22-12-2022 are further extended till 15-01-2023 for the classes up to 5th standard only. Note:

BGSBU Winter Vacation Notice.

BGSBU Winter Vacation Notice Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University Rajouri It is hereby notified for all concerned that the University shall observe Winter Vacations as per the following schedule: All Schools including University Polytechnic, College of Nursing Rajouri & Jammu except School of Engineering & Technology and School of Management Studies: January 01-10, 2023 For

High Court winter vacation declared.

High Court winter vacation declared. The High Court of  Jammu And Kashmir, Ladakh winter vacation. The High Court of  Jammu And Kashmir and  Ladakh on Wednesday ordered 15-day  Winter Vacation in subordinate courts in Kashmir province and parts of Jammu and Ladakh from January 02.  
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