Cantt Board Jammu invites eligible candidates for walk in interview for engaging Pediatrician on contract basis. Interested candidates are required to attend the interview alongwith original certificates.
Name of the Post : Pediatrics: 01 Post
Fixed Pay: Rs. 2,500/- per visit for 03 hours twice a week
Minimum Qualification : (MBBS with MS in Paediatrics with five years experience in the profession in a responsible position connected with speciality.
Registration with Medical Council of India.
Date of Interview Date and Time:
The date and time of walk in interview shall be intimated later.
The candidates shall submit their biodata containing name, fathers name, date of birth, male/female, category, latest photographs, education qualification, Registration certificate with medical council of India, address (permanent/correspondence, experience etc), email ID and mobile number upto 04.06.2021 on the plain paper alongwith attested copies of certificate in the Office of Cantonment Board, Satwari, Jammu Cantt.-180003.
The candidate shall be engaged purely on contract basis for 03 hours twice a week. Experienced candidates will be given priority.
The date and time of walk in interview shall be intimated later.
No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.